Chapter Seven

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'Don't try to shred my patience, ever.'


Groggily the brunette omega opened his eyes to the white lights that pierced through his already sensitive cerulean eyes thus, making his vision turn a bit more blurry than ever before. After his vision got adjusted; only then he was able to comprehend that he was in his pack's clinic's VIP room.

That room was only meant for the Alphas of higher statuses other than the regular Alphas in the pack; to use. Alex inhaled a stuttering breath before he blinked and looked to his right side to see that his Alpha was sitting there on a chair next to his bed; all dressed up in casual clothes with her long raven hair opened like always whilst intensely looking at him through her narrowed grey eyes.

Those grey eyes had a small slit of crimson in them. It made them seem... perilous.

Alex gulped before whispering out in a meek voice that had Celeste frowning at his stuttering voice that sounded so weak. "W-what... h-happened?" Celeste sighed before responding in her deep soothing voice that had an edge to it. Alex at that point wasn't able to pinpoint the reason behind it, but he did notice the Alpha's voice sounding a bit intimidatingly off.

"You were already injured... and I so happened to get you injured more, unexpectedly." Celeste paused to breathe heavily as if she was trying to control the rage that was flowing through her veins at the moment before she continued on by adding, "so, you got your arm all stitched up while you slept."

Alex blinked before muttering an 'oh' before gazing at his bandaged-up arm that was resting upon the warm comforter draped over him to keep him warm. He knew as he could feel it. The numbness in his arm and the fact that he was also very much sick since his body was heating up even when he was feeling cold, intensely.

Maybe staying out in such harsh freezing weather really did its job by giving him a deadly fever. Alex tried sitting up after sharing a few moments of nerve-wracking silence with the daunting Alpha, but one glare from the raven-haired Alpha had him halting in his movements.

"Keep on lying down. You need to rest some more. Doctor's orders." Celeste demanded in her Alpha voice that had her realizing a minute later that her wolf just had surfaced which made her let the command out in a low infuriating growl.

Alex nodded promptly whilst trembling heavily since his Alpha's growl had a great impact on his weak body at the moment. Alex laid back down and started nibbling on his soft lower plump lip that turned more roseate than before due to the cruelty being inflicted on it out of an immense feeling of anxiety coursing through his body and mind.

"Are y-you... perhaps a-angry at-at... me?" The moment his question was voiced out in a soft yet wavering whisper; it had the room shifting so intensely that it had the young omega shuddering out of trepidation.

After hearing out that question; Celeste let out a low chuckle that was dark and void of humor that it had Alex's fingers trembling and, sweating profusely. Alex gulped before shifting his wavering eyes downwards onto his light grey comforter draped over his full body.

"Angry? Oh, love... I'm beyond incensed." Celeste's deep velvety voice that had dropped an octave boomed in the dead silent room thus, making the fragile omega squirm in his laying position. Oh, how much he wanted to escape her at the very moment. "Do you wish to know why my little love?" Celeste asked with her dominating voice that had darkness underlying it and it was immensely terrifying for Alex.

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