Chapter Two

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I'm falling harder for you, day by day yet you're so far away.


Alex's heartbeat palpitated.

That's because Alex got startled badly as he was too occupied by the thought of getting scolded again by his crush so when he gathered himself up; he saw that Celeste opened a white door a bit too harshly that it got banged into the nearest wall.

'Okay, she is... mad. Very mad.' Alex thought before he gulped and that's when he took in his surrounding, and then he realized that they'd reached the high school's nurse's office.

"Oh, god! You startled me!"

A very feminine voice squealed out of being scared and so, Alex's attention went to the owner of the high-pitched voice, and when it did; he saw their supposed-to-be nurse dressed up all in a casual yet elegant outfit rather than in her nurse uniform.

As she wore dark blue jeans with a tight-fitted baby pink t-shirt along with some baby pink, comfortable heels. Her outfit went well with her high and long messy blond ponytail, but what ruined her overall look was the dark pink, glossy lipstick that went out of the line thus, getting itself on the almost young nurse's cheek when she got startled; which made Alex giggle out because of the hilarious scene displayed in front of him.

Howbeit, one infuriated glare from Celeste got him all shut up and timid so, he ended up looking downwards with his flushing cheeks out of embarrassment and with the hope that the raging Alpha beside him would get calm down before she gives him all of her attention.

"You're going somewhere?" Celeste asked in her natural deep velvety voice in which Alex couldn't stop himself from shivering slightly.

The nurse smiled whilst nodding before she replied, "Of course dude. Your most favorite beta got herself a handsome date." The beta nurse was very informal with Celeste because she found only Celeste more mature than her age, than other teenagers.

Besides Celeste was only used to talking to that beta nurse who was also one of the nurses from their pack and she was only twenty-four years old, and other was Alex's sister who was twenty-three years old.

Alex's cheeks heated up slightly at the enthusiastic beta's choice of words whilst he fidgeted with the hem of his hoodie whereas, his other clammy hand with its very slightly trembling fingers, was still nicely tucked in the Alpha's warm hand.

"But Flora; I want to get some medicine from here. Can't you spare a minute for getting me that?" Celeste asked while she led Alex to a bed all set in white sheets even with a white comforter kept neatly on it, and ushered him to sit on it; which he obliged to do, so obediently.

Even though, Alex isn't obedient at all.

Flora was giving herself one last look in the medium-sized mirror that was fixed on the wall after fixing her lipstick which was ruined earlier.

"Celeste, I trust you with the stuff here so... help yourself. Besides Bailey would be here just in an hour so, if it's urgent then help yourself with it or you could simply wait for her to assist you. Bye! Wish me the best of luck on my first date."

Celeste grumbled out in frustration before catching the keys with the help of one hand; that Flora threw towards her before exiting the nurse's office but not before blowing a kiss towards her bestie too. Turns out that she was very excited about her fourteenth date.

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