"So what must we do now?" Rory asked.

"I think what I can do is try to haste the research of my discovery from Alaska, maybe we all can find more answers about that unidentified yet hominin," Ros said.

"Very good Ros, that really maybe can help." Prof. Bill said.

"I will help you then." Said two of Ros's associates.

"Me too, I will help with what I can," Gerald said.

"What about me and Qunn?" Asked Rory.

"Well, maybe you can stick with me, record everything precisely. Maybe, just maybe, in case I can't continue what I do now, someone can continue it by seeing your record." Prof. Bill said.

So that is how they all agree and want to act immediately to continue their hard work, but suddenly Dr. Matther Hilbrew comes to them.

"Oh, Ros, there you are. I'm looking for you everywhere." Dr. Matt said.

"Well, I have news for you. I want you to prepare for your speech at our demonstration on 25-5-2055. In fact, it is you who is the one that successfully found that discovery." Dr. Matt said again.

"Yeah, whatever," Ros said peeved.

Matt knows why Ros is peeved, but he just ignores it.

"I already invite both of your parents, OK. They definitely will sit in the front area, the VIP area right in front of the stage. So I guess you don't want to look bad in front of your parent, aren't you?" Matt said.

Well, Ros is quite startled hearing that news, she doesn't know that her parents will come or be invited. All this time what Ros do is always to make her parents proud and happy. That is why that news kind of distracts Ros who before wants to do research for Prof. Bill, maybe now she wants to do it because she wants to perform it in front of her parents later.

Well, that is what happen that day.

Ros, her two associates, and Gerald are busy in their 'archeology' room, trying to haste analyze every piece of info that they got from Alaska.

Meanwhile, Prof. Bill is back busy at his lab. He must try his best to prevent the worst that can happen, even though he knows it has a low possibility of success.

Rory and Qunn also work diligently, recording Prof. Bill's work and following his order.

Seven of them work hard with an unpleasant feeling. Because they now they do that just because of their own feeling of responsibility as humans try to preserve something good, not the otherwise. But why they must work harder right now, is not more than becoming the pawn of the elite power that is greedy about something.

But the rest of humans all around the world are likely in different feelings from them. Most of them are very happy waiting for the miracle that looks like will happen.

Dr. Matthew Hilbrew is happy because he will get fame and much richer after the demonstration. Brandt Budwise as the CEO of Zomaftec also at the same happy level as Dr. Matt. So now both of them preparing something that is equally magnificent.

Beside the Zomaftec Headquarters building, there is a huge open space. They transform it becomes a place of demonstration that can accept approximately as much as a football stadium can afford, in terms of the number of visitors.

An all-white stage is placed right beside the headquarters building. Above that stage, they will do the demonstration on 25-5-2055.

In front of the stage of course the area of VIP. approximately there are 1000 chairs prepared there.

Behind the VIP area is a zone for the reporter's camera.

After that, it is just an open big area to welcome every visitors that want to live witness the demonstration.

To help those who can't see clearly the demonstration, some big screens were also placed in some spots. So in case, they are too far to see what happens on stage, they can see it from the big screens.

That is how the stage is prepared. Of course, besides that, the advertisement also increased. Almost all of the TV stations announce the magnificent demonstration that will be held on 25-5-2055. Every media, every advertisement board, and every advertisement way that possible, all paid by Zomaftec to announce the event.

They are not afraid to pay a lot of money for advertisements because, in fact, it is all paid back. They charge an expensive ticket for people who want to watch live in the event in the day. And that ticket is sold out only in a matter of seconds.

So everything is in progress to be ready and will be ready on time.

The majority of humans in the world also really want to see what happens.

Is miracle will happen?

Or... they don't care about the opposite possibility.

So... What will happen?

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