The Hurricane

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Hehe, funny thing with this chapter, way back when I was first writing this story, I wrote THIS one before writing chapter 13. I just find it funny. Anyways, enjoy!

The Fierce God Given Life
Chapter 14: The Hurricane

Link was unbelievably nervous. He fidgeted with the cuffs of his shirt while sitting on his bed. They weren't uncomfortable, but he just had to do something to ward off his growing anxiety. Skull Kid stood just a few feet away, staring at him as he fiddled with his sleeves. After about five minutes of Link constantly messing with his attire, Skull Kid sighed and finally decided to speak up.

"Link, you need to calm down." Skull Kid told his friend. He put a hand on Link's shoulder, and the former Hero of Termina took a deep breathe at last. "There we go, man. Just stay cool."

The two friends heard the front door of the inn open. It was Jim, all dressed up like the other guys upstairs. "Is the night still young?"

"You're late!" Skull Kid berated. This was important to Link, and Jim was just moseying around like it was nothing. Jim simply shrugged in response, leading to a groan from Skull Kid's beak. The stress was getting too much for Link, and he put his hands to his forehead.

"Hey, pal. Your tie ain't right..." Jim pointed to Link's shirt, his tie was crooked and part of it was hanging down, free. Link reached up and felt his tie, then made a look of confusion. He had no idea how to do these things properly. The things Anju taught him years prior just flew out the window. "Oh, hang on, ya' big oaf."

Jim walked to his friend and fixed his attire. Huffing in relief, Link slouched on the wall behind him. Today had to be perfect. It had to be; it was for her.

The three guys exchanged looks at each other until a certain fairy flew through the window across from them. Tael, with a miniature clipboard in his hands, looked around desperately for his friends, but it took him a minute to simply look down and to the right.

"Guys! We got to get ready! She'll be here in ten minutes!" Tael yelped, pointing at his papers. The others looked at each other with some worry, but Link somehow managed to top all three of them.

"I- I can't do this..." Link began hyperventilating and pacing around the room. He nearly fell over before just sitting down, hand on his temple. Sweat rolled down the side of his face as his friends tried to calm him down. "This... this was a bad idea... Maybe we should just call this off!"

The others consoled Link, gathering around him and helping him to his feet.

"Link, you need to relax. For all our sakes. We can't help you pull this off if you're being a nervous mess..." Jim held Link by the shoulders and looked his friend in the eyes, and he eventually made his way back to calm. His heart still raced, of course, but he regained control over his breathing after a minute.

"Okay... Okay... I'm calm. I think." Link reassured his friends, and then closed his eyes. He balled up his fists and inwardly told himself he could do this. His determination returned, and he left the inn and went to North Clock Town. There, he and his best men waited for a certain someone.

It took some time, but Romani and her friends soon appeared by the entrance North Clock Town. She descended the stairs that were by the Clock Tower. She wore the most beautiful dress Link had ever seen. Her snow-white gown gleamed in the moonlight that shined down on them. Link's heart melted as she slowly made her way to the alter. Everyone who was in their seats were entranced by her.

Kafei, clad in some ceremonial robes, approached the two.

"Do you two have your wedding masks?" Kafei asked. The biggest smiles grew on Link and Romani's faces as they retrieved their masks. The masks of the Sun and Moon.

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