Tommy's eyes finally reach his own for longer than a split-second and they don't look back at the spot on the floor. He stops rocking but his eyes still shimmer, and his bottom lip still trembles.

Wilbur smiles softly and gives a comforting squeeze to both of Tommy's hands. The squeeze is just enough for the wall the Blonde had been building for the past five minutes to break. A choked sob starts the breakdown. Soon enough, tears are falling down his face as well and he's on the floor sobbing into Wilbur's chest.

He has so much to say but through all the tears, he can't. He wants to tell Wilbur not to go - not to leave him. He wants to be able to talk to Wilbur whenever he wants. He wants to be able to just walk to Wilbur's house so he can see him. He wants to have Wilbur physically with him. But if Wilbur leaves, he can't do any of that. And he's not a huge fan of that.

"Don't... don't go." Tommy manages after a few minutes. He's still just as hysterical if worse. By now Wilbur has his arms around his neck with his hands brushing through his hair. Wilbur weakly shakes his head, tears desperately at the ready. "No... I'll never leave you Toms." He promises.

Tommy lets out a strange noise, which, Wilbur supposes is a relieved hum as Tommy begins to calm down. It only takes another few minutes before Tommy's as calm as he possibly can be. He's hiccupping as an aftermath with a few stray tears rolling down his cheeks. Wilbur pulls back slightly and cups the youngers face in his hands. With a fond smile on his face, Wilbur gently wipes under Tommy's eyelashes and trails down to the tear stains on Tommy's cheeks.

"I'm not going to leave you, Toms." Wilbur repeats, pressing a soft kiss to his younger brother's forehead. Tommy's mouth twitches into a weak smile, but a genuine one. But it doesn't take long for that smile to falter and become a frown with his eyebrows furrowed. "Tommy?" Wilbur's concern laced in the word. "What's wrong sunshine?"

Tommy sighs deeply and rubs his eyes. Tommy doesn't want to be the reason why Wilbur won't go on tour and let everyone down. And it's not just about the people who are going to watch Wilbur. He doesn't want Wilbur to stay here just because Tommy selfishly doesn't want him to leave. This is Wilbur's dream. Tommy knows it is. Wilbur has always wanted to be a musician, playing in a band and touring around the world with Ash, Joe, Mark and.... well, not him. He should've just smiled, congratulated the band and waited until he got back home to break down. Wilbur doesn't deserve this... deserve him.

"Toms? Sweetheart?"

Wilbur's gently, soft, fond, loving voice brings Tommy out of his thoughts. "I- You need to go." He states, pushing himself back out of his... Wilbur's arms. "You need to go and have a good time. I'll be fine." Tommy insists when Wilbur opens his mouth to disagree.

Tommy goes to scramble to his feet but doesn't get the chance as Wilbur pulls him close. His back pushes against Will's chest and Will has his arms wrapped around Tommy's waist, his head being forced to lie on Wilbur's shoulder.

"Tommy, what's wrong? I know you don't want me to go, so why all of a sudden-"

"I don't want you to go! I never do. But you have to go Will! This is your dream - touring the world with the band and I can't and don't want to stop you from doing that!" Tommy exclaims, his voice cracking on multiple occasions. "I-I... you have to go. You can't let everyone down! The fans, Mark, Ash and Joe-"

"What about you Tommy!? I'm not letting you down! I'd rather let all the fans as well as the band down than you! You mean so much to me Toms, and if you don't want me to go, I won't." Tears spill once more from Tommy's eyes, but instead of sobs joining them, he gives a sad smile.

"I want you to go Wilbur. I- I don't of course, but I need you to go. This- this is your everything-"

"You're my everything!"

"Wilbur. You need to go. I know you love going on tour and meeting everyone and playing for them too! God Wilbur, please go." He chokes with a weak sob. He hides his face in Wilbur's neck as Wilbur continues to run his fingers through his hair. "Okay. Okay." Wilbur responds, tears making their way down his face. "I- I'll go." Wilbur doesn't want to go though. He can't leave Tommy. Not again. He always tried not to think about it - leaving Tommy that is. But it always affects him in the end. Maybe... maybe he has a better solution then leaving Tommy behind.

"How-" Wilbur clears his voice, "How about you come with me?"

Tommy shoots up, wiping the snot and tears from his face. "What?" His voice comes out weak and quiet.

"How about you come with me? Come on tour with me and the band? Then neither of us will be without each other." Wilbur hopes the blonde says yes. He needs the blonde to say yes.

Tommy's face shined confusion before it quick changed and a toothy grin spread across his face. "Really? I can.. I can come with you?" He asks hesitantly. He wouldn't be able to handle if he misheard Will's words.

"Yes Toms. You can come with me." Wilbur breathes with massive grin. Tommy wants to come, and Wilbur's never been happier. Wilbur's never taken Tommy on tour with him before, even just the one around the UK. This'll be a great chance to spend heaps of time with Tommy. He and Toms can explore the places after gigs, hell, Tommy could even sing with him on stage, he could even play one of the instruments - he knows Tommy's been practising and has gotten to much better at the guitar and keyboard.

Tommy crashes into Wilbur and wraps his arms around his neck, pressing his face into Wilbur's shoulder. Wilbur does the same by wrapping his arms around Tommy and burying his face into the blonde, wavy, styled exactly like Wilbur's, hair.

"I love you Wilby."

"I love you too Toms. I'll never leave you again."

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