Part 23

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Your POV

"I promise I wasn't gonna kill them" I stated.

"You lunged for their necks y/n" Bucky spoke.

"Look you can scream and yell slap them if you want to but I don't want bodies in this building" Fury spoke.

"Maybe don't bring me in a building where people like that are here" I spoke.

"Okay we get your mad but we can't have you taking heads off. Sam and I was different" Steve spoke.

"I was the one who went in there and talked to them and gave your jack asses a lead on what happened. It may not be all true and lets all hope it's not or I will be the one dead next but if they still have pulses I don't see a problem here" I snapped at him.

16 Hours ago

After a couple days it was like any other day. Get up take meds eat train eat free time eat and sleep. But of course there are points in time I'm scolded or social interaction convincing me to do something. Like the other day they told me to go with Fury to go to a place to check out a place or yesterday saying they 'supposedly' found a place but I know they couldn't find a place so I didn't go.

This morning I woke up to someone screaming and I shoot up in bead realizing it wasn't a dream or me. I hear it again and get up out of bed and fast walk to the door and open it seeing Steve  running at me.

"What was that?" I ask.

"It's Bucky it's fine" he says. He opens his door that's across from mine and shoots in and Wanda walks over to me standing in the door frame.

"He's fine" she states.

"I talked to him Wanda. He said he used to get nightmares I didn't think he still got them" I said.

"He wasn't lying. This is the first one since months. Somehow they just keep coming back but Steve seems to be the only one to calm him. But I always get up in case he can't get him calm" Wanda states.

Steve walks out the room closing the door. "What time is it Wanda" he ask. She looks at her phone and show it to him. "Okay its 8 and he is gonna start getting ready I think we all should as well" he states.

"And that is why I say no to sleeping" I mumble to Wanda. She ends up letting out a little giggle making Steve look at me not confused but pissed. 

"Maybe instead of standing there and laughing I would think on how much he's helped you and hasn't once questioned or joked about your pain" he said. I feel Wanda stiffen and look at him. 

"She wasn't joking Steve she actually meant it" she spoke.

"What did you say then" he said still a bit pissed off.

"I said its why I don't sleep" and his face immediately drops. "He told me he had them I just didn't think he meant present so...its why I don't sleep" I state. He sighs and looks like he is about to apologize but I turn around going into my room so I didn't have to face him anymore.

Bucky's POV

After this morning probably due to me everyone was quiet. Even Y/n, Tony had to leave with Sam in a hurry after Fury had called them and that meant I had to give Y/n her medicine and I still saw she was quiet and a hand twitch. In fact I don't even think she looked at me.

Some time a little over lunch we got a message from Stark to get ready to leave to shield as him and Sam where on their way back to return their suits. We're all in the main room sat around waiting for Tony and Sam so we could just take the jet there together but Stark said he needed to grab something anyways so here we are waiting. Wanda was packing y/n a snack for when she had to take her meds at 8 and y/n looked a lot more off sitting and looking outside at what I'm guessing is the lake. What is weirder is I see Steve glancing every once in a while and I can't tell what it is.

"When did he say they were getting here" Nat spoke.

"He just said wait be there soon" Steve spoke.

"Wow you heard that" Wanda said with sarcasm. Y/n looks back over to Wanda giving her a slightly shocked face as Steve just sighs. "Fine I'm sorry" she says. Before anyone else could say anything else Sam barges in.

"Y/n out the back Stark needs to speak with you" he says. 

She gets up confused and walks out the back door closing it and walks past the patio till Tony lands next to her with his suit coming off. I look over at Wanda seeing she is concentrated on y/n.

"What happened" I ask.

"This place had people there. We went we fought and she was right Brock is still alive" he said. I look back out and see Y/n visibly trembling and Stark grabs her arms possibly trying to calm her down. "We saw him walking around like he wasn't even hurt Fury was confused with y/n story but still went with it. The bad news is everyone there was helping him a guy even took a bullet for him. We couldn't get him" he spoke.

"So you saw him walking around and saw that idiot and let him get away" I state.

"If you saw how many people were there you'd keep your mouth shut" he spoke. Everyone hears the back door open and it's Nat when Tony carries in a unconscious y/n. "What happened" Sam asked.

"She fainted" he stated. I walk over taking her from him. "Get her to the jet she'll wake up soon and we need to get to shield" he says.

"Wait why? I thought Brock got away" Steve ask.

"Doesn't mean we didn't get other people. We just need to interrogate and see if they can get us place or areas. Let's get to the jet I will snag what I need real fast" Tony spoke.


After a bit of a flight we reached shield with a bit of a landing gear problem making the jet shake a bit but it also woke up y/n causing her to groan.

"Look who's awake" Wanda says. She walks over to wear she was laying down on the chairs and helped her sitting up until she looked around seeing we were in the jet and looks around confused. "I knew you'd pull that face. We just brought you in the jet and came to shield and sorry for the bad wake up call" Wanda said.

"I didn't want to come" she said.

"Fury asked for you to identify the guys. You don't have to do anything not even speak to them and they won't know your here" Tony spoke.

"You do know I didn't sign a contract yet right" she spoke.

"Still can't punch him and you know that" he spoke.

She rolled her eyes groaning making me smirk a bit because sometimes she exactly like me. I mean we all know Fury is a headache but I feel like she is the only one who isn't afraid to tell it to his face or others.

Your POV

With the help of Wanda we all walked into shield and I saw a bunch of people looking and starring at me. I mean yea I've never been here and no I don't care but I just didn't know why they were looking in the first place.

"Heard you took a nap" Fury spoke walking up to us.

"Heard you won't shut-""That's enough" Bucky spoke interrupting me. "Where are they?" he ask.

"In the holding cells. We were gonna have them in the interrogation rooms but we need a place with cameras no one can hack into" Fury spoke.

We walked down to the cells and a lot of them were empty which confused me. If everyone was going on missions did they not bring people back or something? Do they just kill them and not actually try and get something done? But I know not to think ahead so I wont for now. We went down a long hallway seeing cells that look like the ones at the compound minus the blue glow which means this was for normal criminals. When we got to the room I stood there shocked with Wanda stood next to me still holding me up slightly and that's when I saw it.

I saw them.

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