Part 22

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Hell no I didn't go to bed. I stayed in my room till it looked like I slept. It's fine that they worry but today, uh uh. I decline that offer of 'rest'. It was around 10 I had left my room its later then when I usually wake up but with Bucky knowing it would make sense if I got up a little later. Speaking of the devil as I walk in the main room not only do I see Wanda I also see Bucky there.

"Morning Sleeping Beauty" Wanda says.

"Rough night" I say.

"How much did you sleep" Bucky asked.

"Enough" I say hesitantly.

"Jarvis did Y/n go to bed" Bucky asked. Shit.

"No. But she did have a minor anxiety attack" he says. Wanda looks at me wide eyed and Bucky gives me a stare that would literally feel like a bullet.

"Are you okay" Wanda ask.

"I'm fine it was nothing" I say.

"Y/n. You should've come to one of us. Any of us actually" Bucky says.

"Your more then welcome to knock on any of our doors in fact I was up all night as well" Wanda says.

"Even better get on her too" I say.

"Natasha is her best friend. Everyone knew she would be up all night" Bucky said. Tony walks in and starts making coffee. "Hey Stark if one of us stayed up all night who do you think it was" he asked.

"Wanda. But not out of you 3 I'd say Banner but everyone knew he'd stay up next to Wanda" Tony says. Bucky gives me a look and Tony walks out the room.

"I'll go to sleep tonight since you have a problem with it alright" I say. I grab an apple and walk off out the room.

Bucky's POV

I knew after that conversation she wasn't gonna sleep at all. Wanda didn't question it because I'm pretty sure she thought Y/n was talking about guilt when she didn't sleep. I was gonna keep and eye on her in case anything happened I said I wouldn't tell anyone about what she said but that doesn't mean I'm gonna let her get caught showing it to anyone. When she walked off I knew exactly where she went and with who. 

I walked to the training room and saw her with Steve and Sam stood in the fight ring. I knew someone was gonna get hurt and I also knew it wasn't gonna be Y/n. I don't know how she does it. Well I do know I mean anytime someone lands a punch we go right through her but I meant be her. All the stress and ptsd she's doing a lot better then me when I had first came here.

I saw Sam and Y/n going at it in the ring I knew it would take him seconds to be flat on his back. I saw him grab Y/n arm and yank her towards him with his arm up but Y/n ducks under and doesn't let go. Here we go. Sam gets swung back but shockingly kicks Y/n down and pins her by shoving her shoulder into the floor.

"I figure that question was for Y/n and not Wanda" Tony walks up to me asking.

"She didn't sleep and was out on the pier last night" I said.

"Oh I saw the video footage" he says. I shake my head and see Y/n pull her leg up to Sam's shoulder pushing him back so she has him in a arm bar. "But she doesn't seem as tired. And as I recall she didn't get thrown into the pond" he says.

"She can't swim and do not tell anyone that" I state.

"So that whole conversation I couldn't hear I shouldn't be worried about?" he ask.

I sigh not knowing what to say. Of course I'm not going to tell him and no it's none of his business but...I am worried about the conversation I had with her. And it doesn't mean he needs to be. I see Sam tap and as soon as he does I see Steve walk in behind Y/n till she looks behind him and Sam kicks her off him.

"She's trying to forget Hydra. Forget him. And in my opinion she need's a lot more time. She need's to go somewhere to get away from a life even remotely unlike Hydra. Us" I say.

"She looks good to me. She trains well with everyone and not to mention cheats at times but she gets along with everyone" Tony says.

"That's my point. She needs to get away from this life because this life was he past life. Risk. Dangerous. Destructive" I say. 

"Your telling me we should...move her" he says.

"I'm saying...she shouldn't just be a rescue" I say.

"You think Fury is gonna make her an Avenger?" he sates.

"Last I checked no one ask Fury that question. They earn it" I say. I turn to him and he shakes his head scoffing.

"Peter is my business. Yes he is a kid but like you said he earned it" he says.

"Then why hasn't she. You've seen how she is here" I say.

"Like you said she is a rescue. That's a lot of hassle to get a rescue legally away from shield Barnes" he said. "But we can work on something. First a actual person since she said she grew up with them I guess that also means no ID or anything so I'll be busy on top of the stuff I already have I guess" he says.

"I'm not saying thank you if that's what you want. This is for her" I say.

"Then I would like her to know what we are doing so she can say-Jesus" he says. I look at him confused till I turn around and see Sam and Steve floating above the ring and we rush in. "What the hell are you doing" Tony yells.

"We aren't tapping is what" Sam yells. Y/n appears in between them holding them above her head by their necks.

"Y/n that's enough" I say.

"They told me to go rough so I am" she says. I give her a look and she rolls her eyes and they fall through her hands and onto the mat of the ring gasping for air. "10 seconds. Just 10" she said.

"Well after I tried to slam you and you flew threw the mat and just slammed into my back I called cheating" Steve said.

"So I went deaf when you said 'I could do this all day'" she said. I smirked knowing she would have gladly carried on but I also knew it would be dangerous if she did.

"Fine match goes to Y/n now no more of that" Tony says. She starts walking away getting out of the ring. "And you are going to tell her everything" he says to me. I nod and he walks off leaving the training room as Y/n walks next to me.

"I just want you to know I'm not mad. I'm just not used to someone actually caring about my well being before" she said.

"Yeah well trust me if everyone knew they'd act the same way about it" I said. Her eyes start going wide at me and it clicks. "I didn't tell everyone but Stark does know we where out last night and I told him nothing...except that you can't swim" I say. She gives me a look and groans walking off and Steve and Sam come up to me.

"Piss her off more maybe you can take her" Sam says.

"As much as we asked for it. Don't. It's terrifying" Steve says.

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