Reliving The Past

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The wind blew outside gently, shaking the window a bit as it did, but not enough to disturb anybody. The snow fall, though it being dark and cold outside, made everything feel more peaceful. This being because the inside of the house was toasty warm and perfect comfort for anybody who enjoyed cozy and cold seasonal moments like this. It was being enjoyed in sleep though, due to it being midnight.

Still, it was a serene setting. The stars outside twinkling brightly, but only giving a sense of peace if you were to gaze at them. No sound to disturb anyone. Though, even if there were a snow storm outside, it wouldn't bother Streber in the slightest.

Streber happened to be a particularly heavy sleeper. Like a rock, Kevin often remarked. In fact, nothing could really upset him as of this moment. He was contently smiling, curled up against his boyfriend's chest with his right arm wrapped around Kevin, or at least what it could be. He always loved October more, but he knew he could always sleep easy on chilly December nights.

But not tonight. The smile on Streber's face began to fade as images within his mind began to form. Not a dream, not even a nightmare. It came simply as it was, a memory.

Not an enjoyable one, though. As a matter of fact, one of the most terrorizing moments of his life. He found himself in that same position again within this awful memory, but how? And why? He felt the same sheer terror from months ago. Being backed up against a wall, nowhere to run. Trying to call for help but none coming. The same pain, the same agony. The action made to grip his left arm, which had been sloppily torn off, translated into where he lay in reality. He felt himself get sick as he shivered and began to feel on the verge of tears. Doomed to be haunted by that night forever.

Kevin, on the other hand? He had started waking

up as soon as Streber started to whimper. Kevin had slowly risen, rubbing his eyes, assuming that his alarm clock had already gone off. Why hadn't he heard it then? He wondered this, and sighed with a small smile as he lifted himself off Streber. He figured his boyfriend had been pouting and whining about him leaving in the morning again. As Streber usually did, and tried to convince him not to leave.

" Strebs, you know I gotta— "

But he quickly noticed that Streber's "whines" had quickly turned to uncontrollable shaking and sobbing. Kevin immediately began to grow immensely worried as he quickly reached to turn on a light and gently shake Streber by the shoulder. He tried not to let his voice rise from panic, and spoke softly.

" Streber. Streber, it's okay. Wake up. "

" NO! " Streber found himself yelling as he scrambled and pulled away from Kevin. Wide-eyed and staring at him as his shaky sobs turned into heavy breaths with each wail. With the only arm he had, and not understanding that Kevin wasn't a threat, he gripped his shirt, in the area of his chest, and curled up defensively. Trying to regain control of his emotions, and shake off the anxiety that welled up and felt as if it were constricting his chest. These intense emotions of despair and distress causing him to feel more nauseous than he did before. He was barely even able to stammer out a few words.

" I— I can't— " he tried to force out through the lump in his throat. " He's— He's— "

Streber flinched at their touch, but when he looked up through tear-filled eyes, he was able to tell the blurry image before him was not an aggressor. This being made clear once he felt their arms wrap around him, and a familiar voice speak calm, clear words to him.

" He's gone. " it said bluntly. But somehow the blatancy of it, and how soothing the voice was helped Streber gain a better grasp of reality.

" He's not coming back. There's no one here but you and me. "

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