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Small blood warning, takes place soon after the events of Tender Treats //

Closing time was 5 minutes ago, to which the Candy Man had locked the shop's doors and called it a night. As he walked down the sidewalk, while he tried to keep his bearings, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked his messages. Nothing. Someone would expect the Candy Man, Kevin, to not really have any interest in wanting any sort of message or response to something he may have said. But he was a different person outside work, and currently, on the verge of panicking.

He stared down at the screen, the several messages he sent, begging for the other person to respond. Counting on his experiences of the night that he shuddered at the memory of. Those damn kids. . still, the only thing he recounted on before separating with this person was one of a farewell embrace. A hug, and one warning the other to be careful. Kevin shook his head and shoved his phone into his pocket. "You're overthinking this, Kevin!" he told himself, glaring at the sidewalk as he went. "You're being irrational, Kevin!" "You're going to drive yourself crazy, freaking out over nothing Kevin!". That seemed to help him calm down. He took a deep breath, and sighed. And with that, he continued on.

" . . It should be right around this corner. " He murmured, recounting on the haunted house he was told to meet at. He expected the usual, to wave at the other as they rushed towards him to give him the most rib crushing hug. The man in a vampire costume, telling him about all the people he scared and the smiles on children's faces. He smiled to himself at this and looked up towards the haunted house, only to have this expression wiped off his face as he saw an ambulance pull up to the house.

" Streber— " he said almost breathlessly, before breaking into a run and yelling out of growing uneasiness.


Kevin ignored the fact his work hat had fallen off his head of hair as he rushed to the scene. Blood, in a large puddle all over the porch. People gathering in a crowd to see what was going on, and the actors of the haunted house fleeing the scene. It was only then where Kevin's eyes fell upon the man currently being pulled away on a stretcher could he infer what happened. To say the least, he didn't like it.

" Shit shit shit— " He exclaimed as he moved past people and ran up to the side of the first response team. " Streber— Streber, c-can you hear me?! "

" Unconscious. " One of the doctors said, looking with mild concern at Kevin. " Most likely due to the loss of blood, he may not— "

" DON'T say that!! " Kevin interrupted, yelling and with his voice cracking. He glared, and groaned a bit to suppress his anger. It took a bit of explanation, but they allowed him to go in the ambulance with the man named Streber. He anxiously tapped his foot against the ground, before and during the drive. Only holding Streber's limp hand with both of his, staring at the ground. It was hard enough coming to the scene, it was even harder to see his pallid face of seemingly previous distress. Kevin breathed through what felt like rapidly shrinking lungs, and tried to relax the heart beating out of his chest with no avail. He shut his eyes tight, focusing on stopping it all, and not noticing the very weak grip on his own hands now.

" St-Streber. . I- I— " He began.

" I know. . " A hushed, and gentle voice responded.

Kevin's eyelids snapped open as his own eyes met the watery and sad ones that were before him. His lip quivered and he swallowed a lump in his throat. Kevin tried to blink away tears as the one in pain, whose hand he held, smile at him.

" I love you too. "

CandyBat!! Kevin x Streber StoriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang