A New Beginning

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Kevin flopped backwards onto the bed of his room. Or more accurately, their room. He marked this day in August specifically for that reason, to clarify, the day Streber intended to move in. Well, Kevin half wished he was more prepared for an event like this, since it was decided just yesterday. He had so many thoughts and emotions about this, the most prominent being excitement and apprehension. Were they ready for this? Was he ready for this? House wise, yes, he cleaned and made space for his new roommate. But would anything change between them? With feelings of happiness and anxiety, his stomach swam and his mind raced.

Though, he didn't have much time to digest these emotions. That being because his boyfriend very soon flopped onto the spot next to him. Streber, was seemingly more optimistic than his lover, as he grinned and turned his head to look at him. He used an awkwardly placed arm to hold one of Kevin's outstretched hands. By this point, he had Kevin's attention.

" Hey. . you okay? " Streber asked.

Kevin thought for a moment, returning a smile but still a bit on edge. " Yeah. . Yeah I'm okay. Are you? "

Streber flipped over and propped himself up onto his elbows, Kevin doing the same in return. They both shifted in order to continue gentle hand holding. To which Kevin took the initiative to rub his thumb gently on the back of Streber's hand. The latter sighed as his grin became more nervous looking.

" Yeah it's just. . my parents. You know. . "

Streber didn't need to continue, Kevin already understood. The day before, he'd finally been introduced to Streber's family, and it wasn't a pleasant experience to say the least. These events Kevin chose not to recount on. Specifically the part where he got angry at the fact that they were so unaccepting of one of the nicest people he has ever know. Kevin shut his eyes tight and slowly exhaled as to suppress the anger he still had about the . . exchange.

" Sorry. " Kevin said after this, averting his eyes. He felt Streber's other hand be placed on top of his.

" No, it's not your fault! It was actually kind of sweet. "

" Sweet?"

" Yeah! You defended me, and that means a lot to me. "

Streber's grinned returned to the adorable smile Kevin knew and loved. He gave the latter a kiss on the cheek and looked at him smugly.

" Thanks, Candy boy~ "

Kevin immediately flushed at this sentence. Chuckling nervously for a moment before clearing his throat and finding the courage to look at Streber again.

" Sh-shouldn't we unpack your uh— things? "

Streber snickered, pulling himself up and bringing Kevin with him. He gave him one more peck on the lips before walking on out of the room, Kevin following after. Said person feeling a bit more calmer about this new change now. Sure, Streber moving in was a huge commitment. And even though he was looking out for him, he now felt he had more of a responsibility to take care of him. Normally, the notion of him having to do that for anybody else would have stressed him out. But with the previously just had conversation, and the fact that it was his boyfriend, it made him feel happier than he expected.

Together, and one by one, they got Streber settled in. Snacks stored in places that he could reach, which Kevin teased about. Clothes neatly tucked away, also by Kevin because Streber threw them lazily with the intention that he'd fold them "later". Kevin knowing that he wouldn't made him fold his clothes anyways. As well as a few other knickknacks and picture frames that they scattered around the apartment. With the occasional shout at Streber because he stashed a tiny rubber duck in the most obscure places he could. This process didn't take very long and by the end of it, Kevin was still nervous about a few things.

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