Hitting the ice!

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Streber held his boyfriend's hand, Kevin, as he lead him down the sidewalk. The latter shivering and trying to envelop as much of skin as he could into his jacket to shield himself from the cold air. He took a gulp from the cup he held in his hand to attempt to warm himself up. And it did, for a few seconds, and left him with a burning sensation on his tongue that wasn't worth it. At least the caffeine got him moving.

" St-Streber. . Why couldn't we have stayed inside? "

" Awe c'mon, Kev'! This'll be fun, trust me! "

" I don't even know where we're going?! " Kevin said incredulously.

Streber ignored this comment, and grinned widely as he led the Kevin-sicle along. Kevin in question, sighing and just following around as he adjusted the beanie on his head before taking another swig of coffee. He didn't necessarily like going out on wintery days. . or any day really. But he supposed he'll let small shenanigans pass if Streber was interested.

" Ta-da~! " Streber said, momentarily releasing Kevin's rigid fingers to present before him the intended destination.

While blowing into his hands to warm them up, despite wearing gloves, he looked up before him to see the ice-skating rink. People swiftly moving in a circle around the rink, an occasional few who raced across it or did tricks that baffled his mind. Kevin knew how to skate, granted he hadn't in a while but it's a skill you don't necessarily forget. He frowned nervously as he turned to Streber.

" St-Streber, can you even skate? "

" . . No. " Streber smiled sheepishly " But I figured if you didn't, we could learn together! "

Kevin opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by a voice behind him. One of which was approaching towards the two lovers and caught their attention very easily.

" Heyyyyy guys! " Radford beamed as he joined the group. Smirking at the two momentarily as he did and jogged to join by their sides. He jabbed a thumb behind him, facing Streber as he did.

" I got Rick to come! "

" Hi. . " Rick said simply, and not much else. He didn't seem all that amused but to be fair, he was always rather lethargic.

" That's great! Nice to see you Radford! " Streber toothily grinned. Kevin stood there, shivering and confused in the cold. He looked towards Streber with this expression. The latter speaking cheerily.

" I invited them too! Did I forget to mention that? "

" It w-would've b-been nice to know. . " Kevin said through chattering teeth.

Radford snickered, looking at Kevin. " Can't handle the cold? " He teased.

" I'll punch you. " The man with an intolerance to the cold warned.

" Hey now! " Streber stepped between the two. " Why don't we get out skates and hit the ice? "

Kevin debated saying "You'll be doing that literally." as to tease Streber, but he decided against it. The group made their way to purchase skates and to put them on. Rick having to spot Radford because he forgot a couple bucks and Streber face-planting due to not putting his skates on correctly. Streber once remarking that his ankles must be magnets, as well as the ground. And Kevin nagging his clumsy boyfriend as he tied the skates for him. Once the group was ready, they stood at the entrance to the rink. First Rick, who put one foot onto the ice, gripped the wall, and stood still on it.

Radford watched, confused. " . . Uh, Rick? You're supposed to move. "

" Oh. " Rick let go of the wall, which allowed him to move very slowly. He remained still as he sluggishly skid across the ice.

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