Stuck In A Moment

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" Hey Keeeeevin! "

One of the many times he did this, Streber caught his significant other off guard by coming up from behind him and wrapping his arms around Kevin's waist. Which, normally, caused the candy seller to flinch and turn a shade of red from the surprise. Despite this being almost a regular occurrence.

Kevin laughed, a bit giddy, though cleared his throat and dropped the smile Streber adored. He turned his head to at least give the somewhat smaller other a look before replying.

" Yes? "

" What are you doing here~? "

Kevin rose an eyebrow. " . . Streber, I work here. "

" That's not what I meant. I was trying to flirt with you. "

Kevin managed to turn himself around, and smirk as he rested his arms on and around Streber's shoulders. To which the latter began turning shades of red as well.

" Then you might wanna try a little harder. "

Streber pouted, jokingly, as he gave Kevin a quick peck on the lips and separated momentarily to help him clean up. Kevin sighed as he went on to pick up trash.

" So how was your day? " Streber eventually asked.

" . . Those damn kids stole candy again. It gets worse and worse every year. "

" Maybe it'll change this year. " Streber shrugged as he lifted the Candy Club cap off of Kevin's head and placed it onto his own. "Halloween is next week! "

Kevin scowled, the memory of the two kids dressed like a skeleton and a pumpkin was something he didn't want. " Don't remind me. . "

" It can't be that bad. "

" You saw me with the stab wound! If I get into any more trouble than I did last year— "

Kevin cut himself off to clench his fists and mumble angrily and incoherently. Before he eventually dropped his arms and scoffed. He was getting real sick of children, and candy. But he couldn't just drop it all, as much as he hated his job.

Streber frowned a bit, seeing Kevin upset about this. He heard the stories he had about these two kids before. . but he was sure it was just bad luck. He smiled warmly at him again.

" Maybe you're just not good with children~ "

That immediately got Kevin's attention back, furrowing his eyebrows yet smirking as he dug into his pockets. He focused on Streber now.

" Ohoho you— "

He flicked small gumball candies towards Streber, each missing as he did his best to avoid them, and the "attacks" were returned with the first thing he could think of to grab. Thus, Kevin's own hat hitting directly onto his face.

" . . Thanks. " Kevin responded sarcastically. Streber snickered. He put his hands onto his hips and stood up straight, looking as smug as possible.

" You're welcome~ "

Kevin rolled his eyes and continued the work. Which they both finished together and returned home shortly after. While they did decide to watch a movie (That Streber picked yet again), they were preoccupied with limiting the space between each other. Streber laying his head on Kevin's chest, his legs curled up on his lap with the latter's arms wrapped around him. They sat in silence, not because there was a movie, but because they were happy. They had each other, and to Kevin, nothing else mattered than that. The person he loved, with him.

" mm- Kevin. . ? " Streber said sleepily.

Kevin had his eyes closed, not to sleep, only to just relax. Though he opened them to look down towards the person laying on him and tilted his head. To which said person shifted so they could look up into his eyes and smile.

" I love you. "

Kevin couldn't help but grin widely in return. To an extent, this embarrassed him. However, he gave his lover a small kiss on the top of his head and reached for the remote. He shifted to lay down as he turned off the tv and held Streber in his arms as he pressed his forehead against him and smile.

" I love you too, Strebs. "

. . And now Kevin sat on a hill, next to a patch of newly placed grass from recently upturned Earth. He glared at the ground like it wronged him as he fiddled with something in his hands.

" . . I- I don't even know what to say to you. "

" . . . "

He placed the flower onto the patch of grass on disturbed soil. It sat gently in front of a gravestone that read "Here lies Streber. You were always as sharp as your fangs." Kevin swallowed a lump in his throat as he gently traced the etched words with a finger and tried to blink away tears.

" I'm sorry I wasn't there. "

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