Night Shift

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Kevin worked the most around holidays, that was a no-brainer. He worked double-time around the start of October all the way to December, mostly. Of course, now that Streber was around he took better care of himself and was burnt out less than he normally would have been. However, whether the pay was worth it or not was questionable. Considering the days where he DID work turned to midnights that dragged their heels slowly and deprived Kevin from any sleep.

One night particularly, however, was more eventful.

The Candy Club Worker sat in a chair at the counter, head in the palm of his hands as lidded eyes began to droop. Once he became conscious he was drifting, he shook his head and sat up. This proper posture melting back into his horrible slouch as the exhausted expression remained plain on his face. After-hours included shifts from 10 p.m to 1 a.m during October, for Halloween. He grumbled as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. Barely anyone came in this late. . why did anyone have to put up with it?

He stared at the ceiling and let his mind wander to try and stay awake. He considered, for a moment, grabbing packets of marshmallows and napkins to make an almost bed to sleep for the rest of his shift. What time was it again. . Twelve-thirty? The clock confirmed that and he sighed, it wasn't worth getting fired. Or having to clean up all the old boxes by the store as a punishment.

He was pulled from his sleepy thoughts as he heard the store bell ring. The sudden loud "Ding!" made him flinch and straighten up again. Dreary eyes wide now as he folded his hands on the counter and was prepared to serve yet another customer. That was, until he realized it was Streber himself and relaxed. Sighing, he gave a half smirk as the man dressed as a vampire approached.

" What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be scaring kids? "

" Eh, thought I'd stop by! A friend wanted me to pick up some candy anyways. " Streber leaned on the opposite side of the counter with one arm, facing Kevin.

" If it gets too hard to— "

" Pshh- of course not! " Streber interrupted Kevin's concerned statement, shrugging it off and giving a laugh. One which Kevin could tell was a nervous one.

Both remember the events of last year clearly. And while Streber made a good recovery, neither could help but feel uneasy now that Halloween was approaching yet again. Kevin vocally displaying these concerns and Streber not admitting to them. While the vampire's aggressor was no longer. . alive, there was a looming sense of dread that hung over them and didn't seem to fade.

Kevin took Streber's hand and rose his eyebrows. " Streber. . "

" Kevin, please, I'm fine— "

" Streber. "

Streber's smile faded, of course he clasped his fingers around Kevin's hand. But that prickling fear on his spine still seemed to make itself more well know the more Kevin inquired. He grew a bit anxious and forced a smile again.

" It's fine! I love the Haunted House anyways. He's gone so what's the worse that can happen? "

Kevin looked at Streber skeptically as he pulled his hand away, pointed at Streber's missing arm, then at his own right leg. Referring to the stab wound he got from a doll a year ago. Streber fidgeted with the end of his shirt as his eyes averted to the ground. Kevin sighed as he made his way around the counter to wrap his arms around his significant other in a gentle embrace. The fanged man sighed as he returned the hug and looked off to the side.

" I'm here for you, okay? " Kevin said softly.

" Yeah I know, I know. . "

Streber turned his head to look up at Kevin, the latter after a moment smiling sweetly. The reaction to that being a goofy grin spreading across the smaller male's face.

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