Nut Doonut

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Caboose and Tucker are watching Sheila and Lopez from the top of Blue Base

Tucker: Man, Lopez and Sheila have been spending a lot of time together.

Caboose: I don't like it. He is not good enough for my Sheila.

"Dammit. It's like the toaster fiasco all over again." Niner groaned.

"I'm sorry, the what?" York demanded.

Niner waved away his concerns. "Nothing. Just ignore it."

York eyed her for a little bit longer before turning her attention back to the show.

Tucker: But they seem happy together.

Caboose: He is a bad influence and he is taking advantage of her because she is young and naive...and delicate.

Tucker: Delicate? She weighs like 200 tons, dude.

Caboose: She is a precious flower.

Niner groaned and buried her face in her hands. "Mikey..."

Tucker approaches Sheila and Lopez

Tucker: Hey guys, I have to ask you a favor. This might sound strange, but I think Caboose is getting kind of jealous of your relationship.

Caboose: (from a distance) Sheila! Come back to me! I made you a muffin!

"How did he think that was going to work out," Wash asked. "It's not like she can eat it."

"Dude, if ghosts are real, then I don't think a tank eating a muffin is out of the ballpark," York pointed out.

"For the last time, York," CT started. "Ghosts. Don't. Exist!"

"Says the nonbeliever," York muttered under his breath.

CT threw her hands in the air with an annoyed growl.

"Alright, knock it off you two," Carolina said sternly.

Tucker: Anyway, could you just try to keep a low profile or something? We don't want some weird, horribly disgusting love triangle.

Sheila: Tucker, I've been speaking with Lopez, and we feel that the machine has been treated unfairly in this canyon.

"Robot uprising!" Wash whispered furiously.

Tex snorted. "Seriously, Wash? Robot uprising?"

"CT told me that it's going to happen!"

CT snorted. "And you believed me?" She laughed.

Wash's face dropped and he folded his arms crossly. "Well, you looked like you were serious when you told me." He grumbled, causing CT to laugh again.

Tucker: What're you talking about?

Sheila: On a regular basis, we are either being blown up, possessed by spirits, or just left out to rust.

Niner nodded. "She's not wrong."

Wash narrowed his eyes at Niner suspiciously.

Tucker: Huh?

Sheila: We have decided that until conditions improve, we are not going to help you in your battles.

Tucker: You're kidding, right?

Sheila: (barrel pointing right at Tucker's face) Do I look like I'm kidding?

"Hey when the lady's right, she's right," North said with a shrug. Tex gave him an approving nod, not that he, or anyone else, saw it.

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