Radar Love

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Simmons and Grif are on top of Red Base looking down at Sarge as he approaches the upside down Warthog.

Grif: Is it just me, or does this jeep seem like really bad luck?

Simmons: Yeah. You know, now that you mention it, it does seem like every time we get into the damn thing it breaks, (Donut stands next to Simmons) or explodes, or goes crazy and tries to kill one of us.

Donut: Maybe we should try exchanging it for a few motorcycles. No wait, wait! A big tank like the Blues have. That thing never seems to have any problems at all.

Hehe, that's what you think. Rider snickered.

Niner snorted. "Tell me about it."

Cut to Church next to Sheila who is sending off sparks.

Church: Alright, that's the deal, Mister Robot. You fix our tank, we'll let you go free.

Caboose: (whispering to Tucker) I thought the plan was to trick him into fixing the tank and then Church will take over his body again when he is done.

Tucker: Yeah, but you don't tell the person you're tricking what's going on Caboose.

Caboose: So, if I'm the one being tricked, then you would not tell me what is really going on?!

Tucker: Why would we trick you?

"For fun." South sniggered.

Wash crossed his arm and muttered, "For you maybe."

York grinned, remembering all the things he would pull on Wash. I wonder if I could get away with some of the same things. He mused. The vertigo program I added to his helmet was a good one.

Wash glanced over at York and was alarmed at the gut-wrenchingly familiar look of glee on his face.

"No more pranks!" Wash pleaded.

"I wasn't thinking about pranks," York said innocently. Yeah right.

"Seriously York, no more pranks," Wash said.


"I mean it."

"Jeez, how many times do I have to say it? You can trust me." York attempted to placate Wash by giving him a laid-back grin.

Several unamused looks were shot in his direction.

"I won't do any more pranks in the foreseeable future?" York amended.

Wash scowled and rolled his eyes, but dropped it.

Caboose: Oh, I think you know.

Lopez: ¿Dónde voy a ir? Mis amigos querían matarme. [Where will I go? Even my friends have tried to kill me.]

Church: Okay, I'm gonna take that as a yes and let you get busy with the tank fixing.

Lopez: No tengo hogar. [I have no home.]

Cut to the Reds gathered around the Warthog. Pan up to Grif on top of it looking through a sniper rifle.

Grif: Aw crap. Hey, uh, they got a guy fixing their tank.

Sarge: Impossible! Our Intelligence clearly states-

Donut: We have intelligence?

Damn, he sunk the ship to take out the captain. Rider said.

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