The Package is in the Open

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Sooooooo, how do you guys like it so far? Text lit up on a separate, smaller screen off to the side.

Carolina glowered at it. "Why are you showing us this? It's not useful in any way."

Please, have patience and trust me. I would've been here sooner but I've been dealing with some... difficulties.

Florida tilted his head curiously. "What kind of difficulties?" He asked.

There's another person joining you but... I'm tired. Do you have any idea on how hard it is to teleport all of you and making sure you have all the food you need? It's exhausting. I don't expect y'all to care a lot but please lay off a little.

"I don't give a rat's ass if it's tiring for you!" Carolina snapped. "I want you to answer my qu-"

Wait, hold up. The text shone, cutting off Carolina. Fuck. Brb.

A beat of silence.

"So that happened." North commented.

Few moments later, there was a big flash of light and a humanoid figure fell onto a pile of pillows and blankets next to Maine.

Everyone lunged to their feet, either in a fighting stance or a fork or knife in hand.

The figure let out a very strong string of cuss words and stood up.

"Niner?" York asked, surprised.

Niner looked at the group of Freelancers who looked like they were about to turn her into a very dead corpse and then at the room around her. "Where the hell am I?" She demanded, seriously pissed off.

"Why are all the women I know scary?" Wash whispered to Maine, who was standing in front of Wash to protect him. Maine grunted and shrugged.

Hi Niner. Can I call you that? I don't want to seem rude.

Niner stared at the screen, stunned. "You don't want to seem rude? YOU LITERALLY JUST KIDNAPPED ME!"

I don't think it's technically kidnapping if I'm giving you back unharmed and with no ransom. I think. I'm pretty sure not. I don't think it was technically kidnapping when you forcefully took Carolina to shore leave with you guys. What I'm doing is pretty much the same thing.

"I wouldn't." Carolina growled. "How about stop hiding behind a screen and come here." She glowered at the screen.

It was dark for what felt like an eternity before the screen lit up again. No thanks. I got some stuff that I need to do. I'll be back later though. See y'all later. The screen went dark again.

Carolina snarled in frustration, her knuckles going white from gripping the knife so hard. York gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll figure this out. I think the best course of action is to just go along with this. Gather more information and such. Yeah?" He said lowly so the rest of the team couldn't hear him.

"Fine." Carolina spat out angrily and sat down.

Everyone followed her and sat down.

Church, Tucker, and Caboose are standing on top of Blue Base.

"What's going on?" Niner whispered to Wash from the other side of Maine.

"They're simulation troopers. Really all you need to know is that the new red guy stole blue team's flag on accident. Blue, who's name is Caboose, gave it to the red -his name is Donut- guy because he thought Donut was the general that was supposed to be stopping by but it was just the other team members hazing him. Donut thought that blue base was the store because his team is also hazing him. In short: they're all idiots."

The Freelancers React to red vs blueWhere stories live. Discover now