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"H-How'd you get behind me?!" Nappa spluttered, "I-I'LL DESTROY YOU!!"

"Oh yeah?" Raditz said, cockily, "Prove it." He grinned, his saiyan instincts and desire to fight taking over.
"What..?!" Nappa stuttered through gritted teeth before screaming, "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

"Chill on the anger issues man," I said before dodging a small energy blast the saiyan attendant had aimed at me for my comment.

More murmurs of confusion, shock, and intrigue hung in the air, Vegeta stalk still in silent thought.

The fight continued on as I stood watching the Prince. Kakarot had his eyes glued onto his elder brother, eagerly following his every move.

Vegeta caught my gaze and decided it was time to fight the real challenge.. Kakarot.
He started walking towards us and I turned my head back to the fight for a moment to see Raditz standing on Nappa's head, balancing on one foot like some of the birds on this planet do.

I saw Raditz get some heavy hits in before turning my attention back to the Prince who had just stopped beside me.

The sound of Nappa getting launched into a mountain and an explosion following shortly afterwards could be heard in the distance, as well as some cackling.

Kakarot deflected a stray energy blast that was headed for Gohan and Krillin as he finally took his eyes off of his brother.. "Go back to Kame house.." Kakarot said to the two of them, "And you," He whipped his head around to me with a harsh look, "Eat the damn bean."

"Now, now, no need for any of that nonsense-" Vegeta started before getting cut off by Krillin and Gohan's bickering. I stayed silent as they argued, and watched as it slowly dulled down to a normal conversation, listening to their brief talk about the dragon balls before the two went on their way after a handshake between Kakarot and Krillin.

"So.. You've figured out it's useless to run.." Vegeta smirked.

"We're not fighting here.." Kakarot stated with a smirk that was equally as menacing as the Prince's.

"Have it your way" He chuckled, before they took off. I started to follow suit, admittedly at a slower pace due to my injuries, before I took one last look back. I heard a single, distant, "Shining Friday!!!" and an explosion of colliding energy waves before I continued on.


By the time I arrived, the Prince was already in his Oozaru form, and Kakarot was struggling against his might.

Seeking a diversion, Kakarot squeezed his eyes shut and raised his hands up to his forehead and screamed, "TAIYŌKEN"

The blinding light reached me before I could blink. The ringing in my ears got worse, the pain from the headache increased tenfold.

The cold wind howling and whipping around me as I felt.. weightless. My vision hazy as I rapidly descended. The sounds of combat barely audible over the ringing.

I hit the ground with a thud, memories of a bright light and a blaring horn hitting me like a truck.


When I came to I heard Kakarot screaming in agony. I crawled over from the rock I landed on to get a better view.
"Silly me," A loud voice boomed, "I've left you alive," My Lord. Vegeta cackled in his giant Oozaru form, "Better hope my aim is-"

The prince got cut off by the ringing in my ears, louder than ever. I watched as Kakarot shot Him in the eye and He reeled back in pain.

Vegeta yelled something, clutching his eye, and grabbed Kakarot, giving him a squeeze. Much like a squeaky toy.

Suddenly, someone was shaking my shoulders and calling out to me.
"Go..han..?" I asked meekly

"There we go!" Gohan beamed, before his look turned back to concern, "What happened to you, Uncle Y/N? You're in even worse shape than before!"

"...Fell outta.. sky." I said shortly. Gohan tilted his head in confusion before he heard Krillin call to him.

"I'll be back, don't move!" I stared blankly at the boy as he flew to Krillin's side.

Next thing I knew, the prince was jumping over a large golden disk, the Kienzan.. There was a small exchange between the three of them, and the two earthlings looked as if they'd seen a ghost. That is until a rather.. rotund fellow sliced off Vegeta's tail and bolted.

Krillin looked confused, if anything, and then.. the prince shrank. The bald man muttered something in pure shock and relief before Vegeta scowled at him.

"DO YOU WANT TO DIE SO MUCH?!!!" I heard Him scream, "BECAUSE YOU ABSOLUTELY WILL!!!" He lunged towards Gohan, Krillin screaming at him to run, and gut punched the boy with a smirk.

Gohan struggled to breathe after the wind got knocked out of him, "What's wrong? You're half saiyan aren't you, boy?" He snickered, not noticing Krillin charging him, "SHOW ME YOUR POWER! COME ON!!"

Krillin hit the ground with a thud and Vegeta cackled, "Heh, guess he wanted to be first" He said before whipping his head back to the boy under his foot, "Get up! Let me have some fun."

I tried to crawl to them as Vegeta hurled a few more choice words at the boy before chucking him to his father.

I'd just about reached Kakarot when the prince plunged His knee into the man's chest. Kakarot was crying out in agony and coughing up blood as Vegeta repeatedly stomped on his chest..

Gohan then appeared beneath Vegeta and managed to land a swift kick to his jaw, sending him flying

As this went down I finally got to Kakarot, "W-What're you doin'.. here?" The man groaned, "And I told you to eat the bean!"

"Any saiyan who gives a damn about her pride would rather go down in battle than take one of your magic beans" I started, "Least that's what My Lord would say-"

Kakarot cut you off, "'My Lord-' You mean Vegeta?!!" I simply nodded in response.

"See I'm somewhat of a guard that's been assigned to the prince. I've been tasked with the job of protecting Him, though He doesn't exactly need it.." I said calmly as I fished for the senzu bean I had hidden in my armour, finally grasping it and clutching it in the palm of my hand. "AHA-" I exclaimed before breaking off into a fit of wheezes and spluttering, "f-found it..!"

Kakarot looked concernedly at me before I calmed the coughing down and placed the senzu bean in his hand, his expressing turning into one of shock. "Are you.. sure?" He muttered in pain.

I nodded again, "Take it. Go save your son.!"

Kakarot needed no further instruction as he popped the bean into his mouth and sat up, his wounds healing at an appalling rate.

"Thanks! You don't gotta tell me twice!"
..And with that, he flew away to charge his Genki-Dama.

Tried to drag this out for a longer chapter (was originally gonna stop at squeaky Goku but it felt too short)
We usin the bean!! AnD iTs nOt FoR uS-
Fights gonna wrap up soon, we gettin monkey child yayyyyy-
Also Y/N feels a lil useless rn so shhhhhh

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