A Warning

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May contain triggering content such as (may add to this later on):
• Violence
• Death
I'll let y'all know at the beginning of a chapter if there is anything dw..

Muy Importante:
Y/N USES HE/HIM PRONOUNS! Feel free to replace pronouns with your own!
I rarely see male readers, and I'm going through a gender crisis, therefore I am writing my own.. Mc may be a little more fem at some points (especially early on) because I'm simply not used to writing male characters. I might slip up and put she/her occasionally out of habit, please feel free to correct me! I will fix it.
Will probably be at least a lil' fruity ngl- If that makes you uncomfortable or you simply don't like it, please kindly fuck off :)
(I mean this in the nicest way possible)

A small explanation:
You were Raditz' best friend (grew up together and shit y'all are actuAlly besties) and both of you were sent by Vegeta to retrieve Kakarot (Goku). You were involved in a pod crash and now your memory is split between those of this universe and those of an alternate one (def not Isekai nope-).
You get headaches a lot (I myself get them a lot but I'm writing this into the story because of the pod crash in the first chapter)
Raditz lives because I say so and I fuckin love this bitch. He was only there 6 episodes he deserves better.

Here is your starter fit 😳

I will be using S/C to refer to skin color, but to fit in with the other saiyans, the hair and eyes will stay black

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I will be using S/C to refer to skin color, but to fit in with the other saiyans, the hair and eyes will stay black..
This is how the outfit will stay until after Namek
Thought having more.. protective(?) armor would be more fitting because Y/N's original role is a guard for Vegeta (not that he needs it though)

• Updates will be infrequent, I get motivation in bursts so I'll likely be updating in said bursts
•Raditz is probably out of character, but he didn't really have much of one seeing as he didn't actually live for very long in canon.. I just want the stinky coward man
• If you get a random notif saying I've updated, it's either an actual update or me editing a chapter for no real reason other than I couldn't sleep, sorry-
Also I don't know how the notifications for updates really work so-
• May or may not get randomly discontinued

Anyway if you've read this far, thank you and enjoy what I actually hAve written- :)

Constant Headache -- DBZ x M!Reader (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now