The Screw that gets Tightened

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I woke up with a splitting headache in the middle of a field of flowers. It felt like there was a screw being stabbed through my skull as I sat up. I couldn't remember any of what had occurred before I woke up, only my name and the scent of burning gasoline as the bright lights came closer at rapid speed. A large object hurtling towards me, failing to stop at the last second. I wonder what it was.

I got up and dusted myself off, the vast garden of Eden surrounding me a blur. The world around me spinning as I stumbled around looking for safety. Something soft brushed my hand, and I looked down but couldn't see what it was. The taste of iron filled my mouth as I tried to make sense of the situation. The fuzzy brown thing was moving with a will of its own, almost like some kind of... tail.
My vision began to clear up and I reassessed my surroundings. A small metal pod which lay burning, half submerged in the ground. Guess I was flung out of it in some kind of crash. As I looked around, I noticed that it was in fact a tail.. My tail.
Then I heard another crash.

There was a light creak.
I turned around and saw another pod. A tall man crawled out, and ran over to me. His long spiky black hair swaying in the wind. He enveloped me in a hug, only for me to struggle out of it, or so I thought.. My mind was absolutely buzzing with unanswered questions, and I didn't even notice how easily I pushed him back.

"[Y/N], are you ok..? That looked like some crash..."
There was a moment of silence.
"[Y/N]?" The man questioned.
"...Who?" You finally answered.
The man looked at you, shocked by what you had just said.
"Did you- Did you lose your memories????" He stared, positively dumbfounded. I simply nodded my head, confused. "...This'll be a pain.. I'm Raditz, the one and only, and your best friend!"
When I nodded again, somewhat understanding the situation, the man now known as Raditz  took ahold of my veiny hand and led me out of what I thought was a garden, but turned out to just be a massive field. Then, a shorter mustached man came out of a vehicle holding a some kind of a weird gun..

When he approached, he saw the pods..
"A-aliens!" He shrieked, pointing the gun at the two of I.
I looked at him, shocked at his words, "A-Alien?? What?! Raditz what-" Raditz put a hand on my shoulder and stepped in front of me.

"I-I'm not.. scared of you, Alien." The man with the gun stuttered
Raditz said nothing as the man fired the gun, focusing only on catching the bullets as they hurtled toward the two of us. In one swift movement he caught all of them, showing them off to the human as he dropped the smoking bullets on the ground. He discarded all but one, which he proceeded to flick towards the human.

As the man died from the bullet wound piercing his heart, I clutched my head. As if some god was tightening the screw that had been drilled into my skull. Perhaps this is some new way of Frieza torturing me- Wait.. who..? You stared at the ground, and the world spinning again.
Raditz noticed my condition worsening and picked me up. I didn't struggle as he started flying.


I woke up to the sounds of pained screams, and an explosion. I must've passed out in Raditz' arms as the two of us were flying. I looked over to see Raditz standing over a beat up young man, staring at a small child.
My H/L black hair swayed softly in the breeze as I watched the scene before me, the shock  triggering some memories.

I remembered my time with Raditz, running through fields as children playing, fighting, killing, sparring..

I remembered a saiyan prince, Vegeta, and following His orders and the mission He'd sent the two of us on..

I remembered His attendant..

I remembered a powerful man and a voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard, yet somehow rather sophisticated, hurling insults towards the Prince and the others of your race..

I remembered a crash, the blinding lights, immense pain, my name being called as the lights got brighter and the screeching of tires got louder..

Vegeta again, shaking in anger as the man insulted Him and His people yet not talking back to the godlike being, and even ordering His attendant to stand down when the bald saiyan tried to rebel the being's rule..

Saiyan? What is a saiyan? Oh right.. our race. Guess it doesn't matter right now. The scene in front of me seemed more important, there's always time to ask questions later after all..
As I watched the fight, I saw a green man charging his attack.
"Wait-" I yelled without thinking. "Wait, stop."
The 3 men turned to me with shocked looks on their faces.
"I don't know what's going on," I started, "But, we'll leave. You'll never have to see us again."

"How long.. How long have you been awake, [Y/N]?" Raditz asked as a piece of his armor fell off. As the pauldron hit the ground, We stared at each other in silence before I finally spoke.
"Long enough to know this isn't good, sir.." You stated as Raditz stared at you, confused at my use of honorifics.

I paused for a brief moment, to stare at the man being crushed under Raditz' foot, and gasped in recognition.
"That's Kakarot, isn't it..?" I said, pointing to the man under my friend's feet.
"Yes." I heard Raditz respond.
I sighed. "Leave him, Raditz, if he was beaten by you this easily then he must not be that strong anyway.."
"If we leave him we'll be killed," Raditz looked mortified by my suggestion. "Vegeta will slaughter us-"
"Then we'll hide on earth. I can't leave anyway, my pod was destroyed in the crash" I stated, pointing to the large crater behind us. "Leave him, he's useless to us anyway.."

The look in Kakarot's eyes was kind and forgiving as Raditz removed his foot from his brother's chest. Raditz helped him up, and the green man ran over to support him.
"Goku, are you okay??" He asked.
Kakarot laughed, "No," he winced. "My ribs are shattered, Piccolo."
I walked over to assist the young man as well, and were surprised when the green man, now known as Piccolo, let me.
"Raditz, I know you don't want to anger Vegeta, but he was going to come after one day, you've seen how he treats Nappa.."
Raditz didn't say anything.

"I wish I could assist more, Kakarot, but I don't think I can do much to help in this situation.. other than to relocate you to a slightly safer location for your comrades to find you.."
Piccolo and I laid him down on a large flat rock with his son. Kakarot held the boy with a smile as he struggled to breathe properly. I tried to move my arm to comfort him, only to realize that I had broken my right arm. Must've broken in the crash. How the fuck did it take me this long to notice-
Then I heard a soft humming noise and looked up to see some kind of flying machine.

As the vehicle landed, people clamored out and ran to Kakarot.
As Iturned to leave, Kakarot spoke.
"Thank you." He smiled weakly."
I turned back to speak but Kakarot was no more.
I heard screams of despair as Raditz comforted me. As the screw was once again tightened in my skull I heard him say,
"Let's go, [Y/N].."

Hope you're ready for this monstrosity-
The memories bit was a bit sudden. Couldn't figure out how to write it, and didn't want it to take forever to remember Vegeta and such.. Still gonna have amnesia tho hehe kinda fun writing that (also infuriating)
Anyway, enjoy my shit writing :)

Update: Edited it a lil to make it better. Worked on the memories bit some more and tried to improve the story a tad bit..

Anyway I shall cease my rambling... for now-
Thanks for reading

Constant Headache -- DBZ x M!Reader (ON HOLD)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz