36 - Love... not Romance

Start from the beginning

The only difference is, it wasn't a dream at all.

Brent and Perry visited me frequently as well. Like in the second life, they seem to be getting along real well. "That's right, everyone in school is worried about you, so you have to get better soon," Perry said.

"Do everything that the doctors tell you, alright? After you get better, Aunt Fiona said that you can visit our hometown and we can swim at your lake, just like the old times," Brent said with a huge smile.

The lake huh... That lake... it's where everything started. Now that I can remember everything, something started bugging my mind. If I remember correctly, I disappeared on the lake during a full moon four years ago. I was gone for two weeks and returned without remembering anything, as if I didn't disappeared at all. Those three also said that it's how everything started, so I kept on thinking about what really happened back then.

Just where did I disappear to?

"Don't even think of bringing Drew anywhere without me," Nico said. I see... even in this reality Nico and Brent don't get along really well. "There's no chance I would leave him alone with you," he added.

"Do what you want," Brent replied. "Just don't get in our way."

"Here we go again..." Perry sighed. "Can the two of you take it outside, you're going to stress Kyle up."

Any other day, I would find it very tiring, but at that moment, it was actually kind of refreshing. To have my closest friends and the man I love by my side at my weakest moment, I find that really uplifting.

There was a surprising visitor that came into my hospital room, one day. It was my biological father, Joseph Ashworth. He was with Mom and Dad, and they all looked very serious. I almost forgot about the fact that, at that age, they still haven't told me the truth about my birth.

Mom brought the wooden box that Joseph gave to me. Joseph sat down beside my bed as Mom handed me the box. He took out a necklace with a small key as a pendant. It was the key to the lock of that box.

They talked to me carefully, slowly. It was hard for me, because I had to act oblivious and surprised at that time. I couldn't act like I already knew what they were about to tell me.

Joseph handed the key and told me to open the box. I did. And as I opened it, he told me that he is my real father, and that everything I had to know was inside the box.

Even before I opened it I knew what exactly was inside. It were countless letters that he wrote for me, a letter for each birthday he missed. A letter explaining everything to me. A letter containing his regrets of never being with me, his apologies, and his love for me.

There was one thing that wasn't supposed to be there, though. Something that I couldn't remember being in the box in that other life. It was a necklace. The pendant was a small spherical orb and inside it was a small hourglass. The necklace was white gold and the spherical pendant was lined with gold. The orb itself was a clear white crystal and the hourglass was diamond lined with gold.

As I touched the pendant, I suddenly heard what those three told me. A gift. "And as an apology for causing you all this trouble, I have a little gift for you once you return." It was what the young female told me. There was something else about that necklace, something that I couldn't quite put my fingers on. I could feel that the necklace was something very special.

My parents still being together, the Robinsons being out of our lives, and the pendant. Three gifts. I guess it's just fitting, since there are three of them. I told myself.

Love... Not Romance [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now