W is for Weak

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--Ezra's POV--

Three days. I've counted three days since I've been locked in here with Zeke. Zeke has been in and out of consciousness. His parents haven't let us out. Taylor hasn't let us out.

Neither one of us have eaten. Zeke ended up just pissing himself while he was passed out. I think I'm officially over the smell. I waited as long as I could before finding a vase to piss in.

This is ridiculous.

--Nola's POV--

Daddy's been missing for three days. Dad has been pacing by the phone every second that he's awake. Taylor said that daddy never stopped by. His car was found near a grocery with his phone.

"Dad, shouldn't we be looking for him?" Nickie asks dad.

He stopped pacing and glared at her.

"Don't you have something to do?" Dad asked rudely.

Nickie rolled her eyes and stormed off to her room. Dad started pacing again. He's probably lost over five pounds just from pacing.

"Any news?" Grandpa asks as he and papa walk in with the twins.

Dad shakes his head and leans against the counter.

"Have you eaten?" Papa asks dad.

He shakes his head and crosses his arms.

"I'm fine," he tells them.

"He's not fine," I tell them.

"Go do something Nola," dad snaps at me.

I place my hands on my hips and shake my head at him.

"Come on Nola. Let's go to your room," Ari says as she grabs my hand and pulls me to my room. Emmett trails behind us.

Emmett shuts the door and the three of us sit on my bed.

"You guys have no idea where he could be?" Emmett asks.

"Maybe he ran off with Chase..." I tell them as I hug my pillow.

"Don't you think he would've taken you with him? Or at least say goodbye?" Ari asks.

I nod and quickly breakdown.

"I miss him," I cry.

Emmett quickly scoops me up and hugs me tightly. I cry into his shirt until I pass out.

--Ezra's POV--

"Zeke, wake up," I tell him as I shake him gently.

He hasn't woken up since yesterday. I'm really starting to worry about him. His eyes, thankfully, slowly open. He stares at me confused for a good couple of minutes before saying anything.

"Where's Nola?" Zeke asks.

I sigh, "home. She's fine."

I've told him this three times over the last three days.

"Zeke keep your eyes open," I tell him as he starts to close his eyes again. I tap his face gently.

"Tell her that I love her," he says tiredly.

"You can. Zeke," I say as I tap his face again.

He lets out a breathe slowly. I wait patiently for him to take another, but he doesn't. I start to panic and shake him harder.

"Zeke!" I shout at him. I slap his face. "Zeke!"

I lean down and place my ear to his mouth to try and hear him breathe. I don't hear a thing, so I start to do chest compressions on him. By now tears are streaming down my face. I'm shouting help to no one.

No ones listening. No one cares. No ones going to help. Zeke's going to die. I'm going to die. Neither one of us will get to tell Nola that we love her ever again.

I start to bang on Zeke's chest. I'm shouting at him. I'm shouting at myself.

How did he get himself into this mess? How did I get myself involved? Why the fuck has his family done this to him? To us? Why?!

"Zeke!" I shout again as I bang one last time on his chest. I collapse next to him. I'm weak. My arms feel too heavy to even lift an inch off of the floor. I lay next to him and cry loudly.


I continue to count the days.

Five days.

I haven't moved.

I'm laying on my side staring at Zeke. I count each breathe that he slowly takes. I was in too much of a panic the other day to realize that he had started breathing again, but he hasn't opened his eyes. He hasn't made a sound.


A week. It's officially been a week.

Someone left us some water on the top of the stairs a couple days ago. I was too weak to try and escape. I gave most of the water to Zeke. He needed it the most. We have one full bottle left.

"Zeke...keep your eyes open...please..." I say tiredly to him.

He's woken up a couple times since the other day. I try my best to keep him awake, but he always ends up passing out.

"Ezra?!" I hear someone shout.

Both mine and Zeke's eyes widen, but we don't move. We hear someone run up the stairs. More footsteps follow behind theirs.

"Ezra!" Fortune shouts as he runs over to us.

Fortune scoops me up in his arms and holds me tightly. He then cries as he continues to hold me.

"Honey stay awake," a paramedic says as she and another paramedic move Zeke onto a backboard. "He needs fluids immediately."

They quickly get Zeke downstairs. Fortune picks me up and carries me down to an ambulance. He tries to stay with me, but they told him to meet me at the hospital.


It feels like hours pass before I'm able to see Fortune. He rushes into the hospital room and hugs me tightly.

"I love you Ezra," he cries.

"I love you," I tell him back. "Where's the kids?" I ask him.

"At Mika's. Nola's in with Zeke." Fortune tells me.

"Is he okay?" I ask worriedly.

"They said he would've died if you guys were up there for another day. You had a couple of days left in you," he tells me as he continues to hold me tightly.

"Where's his parents?" I ask and then kiss his head.

He shrugs, "but there's a cop guarding his room. Taylor's even gone."

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