C is for "Come with Me..."

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--Zeke's POV--

Screw them. I don't need them. I don't need any of them. Though I wish I had Nola.

Nola is gorgeous. She's one of the most caring, thoughtful people I know. At least I thought she was. Of all people I'd expect her to stick up for me.

Jackson's always trying to put me down and embarrass me in front of her. He knows I'm in love with her. Though she adores him. I don't know why. I'll never know why. She deserves better, someone that'll treat her how she deserves to be treated.

"Zeke!" I hear a familiar voice shout as I make my way to the end of the driveway.

I stop and wait for her to reach me.

"I'm sorry Zeke. They're all idiots," she says.

I shrug and look towards the ground.

"I'm your friend, you know that. Right?" Nola asks as she lifts my head.

I nod as I gaze into her blue eyes. I can't help but smile as she stares at me with those caring eyes. She smiles at me and pulls me in for a hug.

"Come with me?" I ask her.

She pulls back and gives me a weird look, "where?"

"I was going to walk to the park and then home. Come keep me company?"

She smiles and nods. As we make our way into the park I grab her hand and drag her towards the pond. We sit down and stare at the reflection of the moon on the pond.

I then look over at her and smile. I've never seen anyone as gorgeous as her. The moonlight only makes her more perfect.

"Zeke?" Nola asks, breaking me out of my trance.


"Wanna know what my dads told me the other day?" Nola asks as she turns to face me.

I nod my head.

"They said that you and I are meant to be together..." she starts.

My eyes widen as she continues.

"Yup, daddy says that he sees it in the way that you look at me. He says you look at him the same way that Fortune looked at him when they first fell in love with each other. The way he still looks at him."

I can feel myself blush as she finishes and continues to look me in the eyes. Hoping she's feeling some kind of connection with me I scoot closer to her. She looks away when I do.

I sigh, "why don't you like me?"

She looks at me stunned before sighing.

"Never mind. Don't answer that," I accidentally snap at her.

She turns back to face the pond.

"I'm sorry," I whisper to her. "I just don't get why you like Jackson. He's a moron."

We both chuckle.

"Do you want to go do something tomorrow night?" I ask her randomly.

"As friends? Or a date?" Nola giggles.

"I'd like it to be a date, but if you wanna just go out as friends then that's alright by me."

Please say a date.

"Friends, yes. Date, no," she tells me with a smile as she playfully points her finger at me.


"Please don't turn it into a date in your head Zeke. Okay?"


I nod.

"Promise me Zeke..."


"I promise Nola," I sigh.

"Okay, good."

We sit in silence for a good ten minutes before her phone goes off.

"Yes daddy?" she answers. "I'm staying at Taylor's...please...okay...10Am...love you both too...goodnight."

She's too adorable.

"Your house?" Nola asks as she stands up.

I nod and grab her hand that she held out for me. Don't let go...damn. She lets go of my hand as I stand up and brush myself off.

The walk to my house was silent. I'm not sure what she was thinking out, but I was contemplating our date...I mean "friend hangout" in my head.

--Nola's POV--

Zeke is too adorable. Part of me wishes he would have just manned up and called it a date, but he didn't. I could tell he wanted to, but I just don't want to break his heart.

My brain and my heart are telling me different things. My brain is telling me to tell Zeke off and to continue off after Jackson. My heart tells me to go after Zeke. To just give him a chance. My heart flutters around Zeke and that scares me. Maybe I'm more afraid that he'll break my heart instead of me breaking his.

I don't know. I confuse myself sometimes. My head is definitely stating to hurt now.

Right now I'm just laying on Taylor's bed waiting for her to get home. I wonder what Zeke's doing or if he's sleeping. We didn't talk on the way back to the house. When we got upstairs he told me goodnight and shut his door in my face.

Maybe I pissed him off. I should check on him...

"Zeke?" I ask as I knock on his door.

"You can come in," he says from the other side of the door.

I open the door and walk into his room, closing the door behind me. He's laying on top of the covers reading a book. I smile and sit next to him.

"Can't sleep?" I ask as he closes the book.

"No. You?" he asks as he leans over me to place the book on the nightstand.

"No," I almost whisper as he stops and looks me in the eyes. "I love your eyes Zeke."

He smiles and blushes slightly. "Thanks," he says.

He looks down as he lays back down. I should've kissed him. I wish he would've kissed me. He should've.

I hear Taylor stumble up the stairs, so I stand up and head towards the door. I hear Zeke sigh as I do. So, I turn around and walk back towards him.

I lean down and kiss him on the cheek, "goodnight Zeke."

He bites his lip and stutters goodnight to me.

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