J is for Joke

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--Zeke's POV--

"Good," I hear Jackson reply.

I stop crying and stand up.

"Told you you'd get hurt," he laughs as I push past him and make my way to the sink.

I rinse out my mouth and wash my hands.

"Leave me alone Jackson," I tell him.

"Hey," Jackson says as I try to leave the bathroom. I turn to face him. "Come to my party tonight. Loosen up a bit. She'll be fine."

I think Jackson has gone insane. He never invites me anywhere. This has got to be a trick.

For some insane reason I nod my head. We then make our way out of the hospital to his car. I don't even tell Taylor I'm leaving.

It's dark by the time we get back to Jackson's. I can hear the music blasting as soon as I step out of his car. He motions for me to follow him into the house.

We're both met with red cups being placed in our hands. I down mine before we even make our way to the kitchen. Jackson chuckles at me and hands me another.

"Drink up bud," he says weirdly to me.

"Hey Zeke!" I hear Taylor's really drunk friend Meghan shout.

I turn to face her jus as she falls into me. I manage to catch her before she falls to the floor. She's trashed. I help her stay balanced by letting her lean against me.

"Why don't you take her up to my parents room Zeke," Jackson tells me.

"What?! No!" I tell him.

"Just take her up there to lay down. She doesn't need anymore to drink," Jackson says as he pushes us towards the stairs.

I stumble a bit with Meghan in my arms. Getting her up to Jackson's parents room was easier than I thought it'd be. A we entered the room Meghan jumps on me. I fall back on the bed with her.

"Meghan stop," I tell her as she starts kissing my neck.

"Sssssh," she tells me as she straddles me.

"S-stop Mmmmeghan," I moan as she presses down on me.

"You a virgin Zeke?" Meghan asks as she takes off her shirt.

Before I can answer she takes her bra off. I stare at her as she smile down at me. Then I nod. I didn't realize my jaw was dropped until she closed my mouth for me.

"Do you want to lose it, tonight?" Meghan asks.

I nod, but then push her off of me when Nola crosses my mind. She smacks the back of my head. Then someone bursts through the closet door. I jump off of the bed.

"What the fuck!" I shout.

Then Jackson bursts through the bedroom door laughing.

"Zeke, you're screwed," he told me.

"I'm fucking confused. What going on?!"

"That little bit was all I need to get Nola to leave your freak ass. That is if she remembers you," Jackson laughs as the other guy hands him his phone.

"I didn't do anything!"

Jackson plays the video. I try to snatch the phone from him, but the other guy pushes me back.

"So, I'll just edit this a bit and send it to everyone. Because if everyone knows you cheated she'll definitely leave you," Jackson informs me.

"You're an ass. Fuck you. She won't believe it!"

The three of them share a laugh before leaving me standing alone in the room. I then run out of the house towards the hospital. Halfway to the hospital my phone goes off.

I stop. Jackson sent the video out. I then collapse to the ground.

I'm an idiot. I should have known that he was up to something. I'm such a fucking loser. Nola deserves someone better. Maybe it's best if she doesn't remember me.

I decide to head home instead of the hospital. No ones home when I arrive, surprise. I head straight to the bathroom. I'm done.

--Nola's POV--

I woke up the next morning still in the hospital. Most of my memory has thankfully come back. The first person that comes to mind when I wake up is Zeke.

I miss Zeke. I need him right now.

"Hey sista," Patrick says cheerfully as he walks into the room. "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright. I wish I could go home. I miss my bed," I tell him with a smile as he sits in the chair next to me.

His smile soon drops.

"Nola," Patrick starts. "Jackson sent everyone a video of Zeke with some girl last night."

I give him a confused look. He sighs and pulls out his phone. When the short video is over I don't know what to think. I mean he did tell her to stop.

"That's not it Nola," Patrick says. "Zeke tried to kill himself last night."

"What?!" I shout.

"H-he cut himself I guess. His mother found him a couple hours ago. He's having a psych eval. done right now."

"Is he here?! I need to see him!" I tell Patrick as I take out the IV from my arm.

"Nola, stop! You need to lay down," he tells me as he pushes me back onto the bed. "I'll go check on him, okay?"

I nod, "tell him it's not his fault and I forgive him. I'm not mad. Tell him that I love him."

Patrick nods and gives me a hug before taking off. As soon as he leaves I breakdown. I should've been there. I should've told his parents. He needed help. I didn't get him help.

It's my fault. He couldn't call me, because I'm in this stupid hospital. I need to see him. I need to tell him that it's alright. That we are alright. I can't lose him.

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