B is for Boys

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"Daddy's, please!" I whined.

I've been begging my fathers to let me goto my best friends birthday party all day. It's now 5PM me the party starts at 6PM, so my begging is going into overdrive. I get on my knees and clasp my hands together.

"Please," I pout.

"Oh my god yes!" Dad shouts in defeat as he rolls his eyes.

"Fortune!" Daddy says angrily.

"He said I could go, so bye!" I shout as I make my way towards the door.

"Not so fast missy," daddy says as I reach for the door handle.

I sigh and stomp my foot as I turn around. Daddy stands with his arms cross as he glares at me.

"10PM, no later. No boys, no alcohol, no smoking, and definitely no sex!" Daddy tells me.

"Got it! Thank you," I tell him as I go and give them both a huge hug.


Now I'd love to say that I'm going to follow my dad's rules, but that is going to be almost impossible. What I failed to tell them is that there will be boys, tons of them. And there will be alcohol, no doubt.

Sorry daddies.

"Nola!" I hear Ariana shout as I entered the packed house.

"Ari!" I shout back in excitement as we engulf each other in a tight hug.

"So, how'd you get them to let you come?" Ari asks as we make our way into the kitchen of our friend Ashton's house.

"I told them it was a birthday party and that there would be parents and definitely no alcohol," I laugh as I tell her the last part and Emmett sticks a drink on my hand.

"Now go away Em," Ari laughs as she pushes Emmett away from us. He gives us a sad look before shrugging and walking down the hall.

Emmett and Ariana are the two sneakiest teenagers I've ever met. They get away with so much because papas always away and grandpas always sick. Sadly my grandparents are oblivious to all of the activities that their two youngest do.

But I pull just as much shit with my parents. Whenever daddy says no, which is all of the time, I run to dad. Dad always caves. I think he just feels guilty for when he's away on business trips.

Landon has helped me out a lot. He taught me all of his tricks. And when I know they won't let me do something I have Landon convince them for me. Perks of having an older, what my parents think is responsible, brother.

Three hours later Ari and I find ourselves outback with a group of friends. There's Lola, a sixteen year old blonde like myself. Jackson is seventeen. He is her older brother whom I've been gushing over for four years. He's six foot with dirty blond-messy hair and blue eyes. His body is to die for.

Meghan and Taylor are more of Ari's friends than mine, but we all hangout still. They're both sixteen and are on our dance competition team. Zeke is Taylor's younger brother. He's fifteen and apparently has had the biggest crush on me or the last three years.

Zeke is alright. He's just under six foot and is slightly built. His hair is similar to Jacksons, just a shade darker. I have to admit I'm in love with Zeke's eyes. His eyes are a smokey grayish color. Okay, so he's cute. But my eyes are on Jackson.

"Taylor did you ask Nola if she was staying the night?" Zeke blurted out of nowhere.

Taylor shot Zeke a glare causing him to blush slightly. He mouthed 'sorry' to her.

"Zeke why don't you go hangout with your little fiends," Jackson said rudely to Zeke.

A look of hurt appeared across Zeke's face. "Thought you guys were my friends?"

We all glare at Jackson. Taylor rubs Zeke's arm. He pulls his arm away before turning to me. I look away quickly. Out of the corner of my eye I can see the hurt in his eyes. He bites his bottom lip before looking down and walking away.

"You guys are dicks," I snap before rushing off to find Zeke.

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