Chapter 17

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As they arrived at the photoshoot place, they walked out of the car and went to enter the lift.

Emma really doesn't like the situation when she gets stuck with Austin in the lift.

They almost matched their both heights as they stood side by side.

Austin had his face down before he looked at the door lift.

"I have given you 10 types of shoes and you didn't even wear it." He suddenly mentioned about the shoes he had given her.

"I'm planning of giving it for free to the one who needs it."

"Go ahead." He challenged her.

Emma was wearing another set of heels from G&G today.

"Alright, it'll be gone in one day." Austin nodded he didn't say anything afterwards.


They walked out of the lift and walked for a few steps before entering a room.

Austin opened the door but didn't enter as he signalled Emma to enter first.

"Go ahead, the most kind and generous milady." He mocked.

She walked a few steps before stopping to look at Austin.

Emma did an eye rolled right in front of his face.

"Ah, such a gentleman. You're really sweet for giving me a compliment." She did an eye roll again at him.

They all entered the studio.

"Take her." He instructed to what Emma see as a makeup artist.

"Maybe you can pulled out her eyes from their socket." He added which everyone didn't dare to laugh but only one man laughed at Austin's words.

"The heck man, you're so mean." The guy turned around to look at Austin who said something to him which she couldn't hear.

"Ms. Emma please follow me." A women said before signalling her to enter a room but Emma didn't follow right away.

"Austin, what types of clothes you picked for me?" She asked with a loud voice which Austin didn't even turned to look at him but the guy next to him was looking at her.

"Nobody is going to wait for you to get ready, Ms. Emma. We don't have much time." He said coldly.

"You have Bella who worked as a model why didn't you ask her to be a model instead of me." Emma had both of her hand resting on her waist.

"We can cancel this." Emma added.

"Emma, I have explained this to you few days ago. Don't make this such a big deal just because you don't want people to see your tattoos." Austin stared at her.

"Until when are you going to hide? Eventually people will know." Austin added.

"You. You can edit the tattoos right." Emma said like Austin was not talking to her a few seconds ago.

"Yes." The guy replied who Emma still doesn't know his name replied.

"Please edit it later." Emma entered the room.

She kinda felt embarrassed as everyone was watching between her and Austin's.

The woman left the room to let Emma changed into the dress they have prepared along with a silicone to cover her chest part. (Picture above)

Emma removed all her clothing and wore the dress which exposed every part of her body.

The upper part of the dress didn't do a great job at covering her chest part.

She walked out of the room and the woman immediately went to zip behind Emma's neck.

Everyone seems to be awestruck the moment she walked out the room.

Her perfect hourglass body plus her fair skin matched the dress even though she have a tattoos on her arms.

The tattoo itself makes her look sexy along with a dangerous aura.

The staff start doing their job at adjusting the dress especially her chest part.

Austin and his friend was already looking at her from a far.

They were talking to each other but at some part of their talking make Austin face turned into a cold face.

"Chill man." His friends said in between his laughed as he saw Austin's face.

Next they did her makeup and put on the jewelry which they had chose to go with the dress.

They took a few picture with the first dress.

The photoshoot went on with the second and third dress with different jewelry not forgetting Ellison's shoes.

During the photoshoot, Emma notices Austin long stares on her.

He will shoot daggers every time his friends say something to him which only the two of them can hear or teased Emma with a sweet words.

They finally done around 6pm.

Emma changed back into her clothes before she sat on a chair while waiting for Austin as he talk with his friends.

Every staffs start to leave the studio. They wave a goodbye at her before leaving which she waved back while saying thank you to every staffs.

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