Chapter 2

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In the morning, as usual Emma went to pay a visit at her office which her dad helped to take care while she was away.

She knocked on the door before walking in to see her smiling father.

"What got you so happy?" She smiled too.

"It's your mother. Look at what she prepared for my breakfast." Her mother was half Japanese , and stayed a few years in Japan before going back to America.

She really loves to decorate food that she packed but her father never complains about it.

"How are you today?" Her father asked while taking a spoonful of rice.

"Great although I miss the day being away from all these things, but I'm back to face everything."

"Great because I'm too old to do all this." She chuckled.

Emma was not the only child. She has a little sister but she picked to manage their other company. Well it's because, her fiance is from X city.

Which leaves her to manage company at W city.

Emma went to sit on the chair while she looked at her surroundings.

"You ready to take your place?"

"Yeah." She let out a long breath.

"Didn't seem ready." Her father had his one eyebrows raised at her.

"Just, I'm not ready for all the media." Being in the richest family while working as a modal and a few years ago was crowned as miss universe before she was gone because of the heartbreak really caught paparazzi attention.

But after she ran away to another country, the hot topic about her slowly calm down.

"Knock knock" A familiar voice said before entering the room.

"Em!" Claire shouted.

"What?" She lazily replied as she turn to look at her best friend.

"You didn't tell me that you're gonna come to office today!" Claire had both of her hands rested on her waist.

"Well, you see me now."

"Oh gosh, pa just see your daughter." Claire walked to stand near them while complaining to Emma's father.

Claire always comes to Emma's place since they were a kid, which makes Claire really comfortable and close to Emma's parents.

"Well, I'm surprised too she came here." Her father laughed.

"Did ma cooked that? It looks so good, I'm going there later."

"Well , I'm not going to be there later. I have to attend an event." Emma said while resting comfortably on the chair.

"Who said that you have to be at home when I come there." Earning a glare from Emma.

Claire grabbed a piece of cucumber from Emma's father's breakfast before sitting at the edge of the table.

Claire's father was the executive at Emma's company a long time ago before Claire replaced his position.

Long time ago, Claire always came to the company because she's a daddy girl which makes it really hard to leave Claire at home with the maids.

Claire's mother had divorced with her father.

Then, there was one time where Emma followed her father to the office that was when she saw Claire and be her friend.

Emma's father suggested that she can play everyday at their house. That is when their relationship turn into a best friend. Emma's little sister was also close to Claire.

Literally everyone at Emma's house is close to Claire. It's like she's one of their family.

"You're from where?" Emma asked.

"Just finished discussing about this new design of dress."

Emma nodded as she lazily had her body laid on the office chair.

"But guess what I'm more excited about the stage and who we gonna be collaborating for the first time."



"A jewelry company?" She asked immediately as she remember the world most famous jewelry.

"Yes. Since Ellison is really famous around the world, collaboration with them will be a huge impact to our company. "

"Why did they suddenly accept our request? I remember they rejected our first offer."

"Busy man than us." Claire shrugged while Emma's father chuckled.

"But that's not the surprise actually."

"What?" Emma looked at Claire lazily.

"Since you finally return and to show our respect to this collaboration, we made a decision that you will be presenting our..."

"Noo..." Emma was not ready to be seen by all the paparazzi, although she will be attending the event but at least she's not gonna be a model.

"It's to honour the collaboration Emma."

"We can pay any famous model don't we."

Claire pointed at her.

"I quit modeling. See my hands, full of tattoos. My leg."

"We don't see any problem with that. There's no rule that if you have tattoos you can't do model. Plus it's your company."

"My sister can replace me."

"We did ask her actually, but she's gonna be busy for the next few months."

Emma had her forehead rested on her palm. Not believing the new news.

"Dad." Emma started.

"Please consider this, Emma." Her dad had a serious face.

"Alright." Emma huffed in defeat.

Claire shouted happily before she hugged Emma.

A once miss universe with full of tattoos?

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