Chapter 9

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Emma was in the changing room for a long minutes before she finally walked out of the room.

"Around here, is a little tight." Emma signalled around her chest. The chest part of the dress seem like it's about to explode.

"Did you gain weight again?" Claire laughed.

"Of course no." Emma slapped her friend.

She then, glance at Austin who seems to be watching her and Claire.

"Because that is your last year measurements."

"How should I know, I feel like it never change."

"What your boobs?" Claire laughed when she received a slap from Emma.

Claire tried to take a deep breath.

"Is it too tight?" Claire asked.

"No, just a little."

"Then, that won't be a problem. Right, Mr.Austin."

Austin was taken aback when Claire asked him.

He glanced at Emma while his Adam's apple bob.

Emma stared down the floor as she felt his stares on her. It feels weird having someone who always gets on your nerve stares at you especially your body.

"Y-yeah." He replied.

Everyone in the room was watching Emma, as they finally get a full view of Emma's tattoos.

"Your tattoos is not bad." Austin said as his wandered to both of her arm then down her thigh.

Her skin is too white which makes the tattoos to popped up.

Emma nodded.

"Any of Mr. Austin's jewelry will stand out with this dress." Claire commented.

"Pointed toe stilletos will look great with this dress." Austin's eyes wandered down Emma's leg which makes Emma to can't stand still.

Austin held out his hand, which Emma reacted immediately by putting her hand on his.

It looks like he was trying to see what type of jewelry will stand out on.

He slowly let her hand go before his eyes travelled up to her neck then her ears.

"I got a full vision on what jewelry should go with this dress." Austin said finally looking away from Emma's body.

"I shouldn't stand out more than the models or invited guest."

"She went humble again. She forgot that she was supposed to impressed everyone."

"Austin, how about you ask your girlfriend to model this dress."

"No." Austin replied.

"Dumb you, it's her girlfriend. Of course he don't want every guy to gawk at his girlfriend body."

"Nah, I just don't want someone who's not even related with this event to stand next to me." Austin said which cause Claire to turn and hide her playful smile.

Emma furrowed her eyebrows as she watched her friend.

"Ms. Emma, may I check the dress?" Her staff said.

"Yea, sure." Emma said as her tailor checked the dress.

"Can you at least change this part? Make it wide a little?"

"No need." Claire warned.

"Hey, I'm the one wearing this dress."

"So? Your boobs and dress seems perfectly fine. Nothings wrong with it."

Austin scratched his head which got Emma to stop talking about it.

"Stop Claire." Emma entered the changing room again before coming out with her working attire.

She smoothen her skirt.

"Come on, let's go out and eat. It's lunch time." Emma said but more to Claire.

As they exited the room, Emma turned to Austin.

"When are you leaving?"

"Is it not obvious?" Austin said.

"What?" Emma said with a furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm actually watching the way you work, I'm ready to sue for any loss that affected my company."

Emma felt annoyed as Austin went back to talk about the sue.

"Listen, Mr. Perfect. This is my company, so you have to show some respect here. You don't own this company."

"I have your father permission, to come here anytime I want because basically your company is arranging everything but I should see the arrangements, don't I." Not even a question.

"Don't you have anything important to do for your company?"

"Says the one slacking off."

Emma was frustrated that she stomped her heels a little too hard causing the heel to snap.

She was about to fall when Austin was fast to grabbed her by the waist.

"Oh no, my favorite stilletos." She cried.

She pushed Austin's arms away as she fell down on the floor while hugging her heel.

"This is all your fault!" She cried out.

"Do you know how much the price is!"

Claire silently watching them two.

"How is this my fault?" Austin eyebrows furrowed. Both of his hand spread out as he can't believe the situation he was in.

"You're making me angry!" Emma stood up to face to face with Austin.

"You're the one stomping your heel, not me."

"Yes, because it's your clever mouth don't know when the right time to talk!"

"I cancel going out, Claire. I will have someone bring me shoes, you go ahead, okay." Emma said which Claire replied with an "Okay" while nodding.

Emma fell to her knees to remove her other shoes before walking to the lift.

Austin entered the lift with her.

"Claire, what you waiting for?" Emma shouted from the lift.

She was not in the mood to be stuck with Austin especially in that small space.

Claire entered the lift with them.

When the lift stopped at Emma's level, Austin walked together with her while Claire didn't as she will be out for lunch.

The whole time they were at the lift, everyone was silent while Austin sometimes will be busy on the phone either answering the messages or calling.

They sat in silence at the office when suddenly there was a knock on the door. Austin is the one opening the door.

A man and a woman entered the office.

"Just put on the table." Austin said which he earned a glare from Emma.

The two people left the room.

"The heck are you bringing your things here?" Emma said angrily.

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