Chapter 4

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"I'm sorry about the way my son acted." Mrs Hiddleston apologized.

"That is your son?" A shock reaction was plasted on her face.

"He don't work with you guys?"

"Yeah, his sister is the one in charge with our company."


"Yeah, Merissa."

"I never knew that she had a little brother."

"No, not his little brother." Emma was corrected.

It was completely a shocking news for her.

"He worked with us a long time ago, before he made a decision working on his own company and letting his sister replace him." Mrs Hiddleston explained.

Mrs. and Mr. Hiddleston laughed at her shocked face.

"I know Merissa so well, but I never know she have a big brother. Where was he all the time I went to your house."

"He went to study in another country."

"No wonder I never know about him."

"I don't think he wants to meet me again, please tell him that I want to apologize for making him offended."

"Sure, Emma. Trust me he wouldn't get angry that long." Emma nodded before excusing herself to the restroom.

While Emma was walking to the toilet, she was suddenly pushed to the wall.

"Hi." Emma was completely shocked and tried her best to get away from that person.

"Let go of me, Dylan! Why are you doing this to me!"

"I'm not done with you." His face rested on the crook of her neck.

"We're done the moment you cheat!"

"I never say I want the relationship to end. I was asking for an apology from you."

"I ended it, you should have accepted it."

Dylan lip furiously attacking her neck.

"Stop this!" Emma cried as she tried to push him away.

One of his hand traveled down her waist while his other hand pinning her both hand up the wall.

"I will sue you Dylan, if you dare!" Emma shouted before her lips was captured by his lip.

"Sweet." Emma voice muffled in between the kiss.

She went crazy when she felt his hand going in between the dress slit.

Emma was completely trying to push him away, but he was stronger than her.

She wanted to cried when he touched her down there.

But then Dylan suddenly fainted on the floor. Emma watched him being unconscious.

She turned to her left side, there he was standing with a furious look.

"Are you okay?"

"No." Emma cried afterwards.

She's a fucking virgin, that is why she's acted that way. She was trembling.

And he hugged her.

"It's okay. I'm here." He shushed her while patting her head to calm her down.

"Austin?" A girl called.

Emma tried to break off but he was still holding her in his arm but slowly letting her go once she stopped trembling.

"What happened?" She asked but her eyes they were glaring at her.

"Her ex molested her." Her girlfriend look at the lying men on the floor.

"How you know it's her ex?"

Emma stared at Austin who ignored his girlfriend's question.

"I told him." Emma said in between her crying although she have to lie for his girlfriend sake.

Austin walked away leaving Emma who was still trying to steady her breath.

"Ms. Emma." Emma's bodyguard called.

"It's okay, I'm okay now." Emma said to one of her bodyguard.

"Call the security and ask them to take this guy out. He's just passed out not dead." Austin said before walking away again with his girlfriend trailing behind.

"Austin." Which he stopped walking but didn't turned to look at her.

"Thank you for helping me." Austin nodded then silently walked away.

The bodyguard did like what Austin told them to do while Emma went to the toilet to contact her stylist.

Once the stylist was done fixing her makeup, Emma went back to the ballroom but this time she only spent her night sitting down while watching everyone.

Her eyes suddenly stopped when she saw Austin dancing with his girlfriend.

Why suddenly I encountered my night with this guy.

Emma remembers him hugging her just now, comforting her before they got interrupted by his girlfriend.

She finished her wine before looking away from them specially him.

But then her mind suddenly remember what Dylan did to her neck, her hand when to trace the hickey he left before covering it with her hair.

She looked up at the dance floor but then she furrowed her eyebrows when she saw Austin watching her without hiding it from her before closing his eyes as he dance with his girlfriend.

"Ms. Emma." A guy greeted her from behind.

She stood up while putting her palm on his hand before he kissed it.

"I'm Sebastian, owner of G&G."

"Nice to meet you Sebastian." She smiled.

"I see you're alone here so I was thinking of giving you accompany. You okay with that?"

"Sure, since I don't know much people here. Might as well getting know someone here so I wouldn't feel like an outsider." Sebastian laughed.

But of course it was a lie, she lost all her mood to interact with everyone after what Dylan did to her.

It was not a mistake that she glance at the dance floor but there he is watching her without looking away after she saw him, Emma turned away when he didn't seems wanting to look away.

"Do you mind if we dance while getting know to each other?"

"Not a problem actually." Sebastian smiled before bowing down with one of his hand out.

She smiled before putting down her left hand on his palm. He stood up and lead their way to the dance floor.

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