Chapter 6 - "You're pretty pleased with yourself, aren't you?"

Start from the beginning

"It was only dancing!" she laughed.

"I'm the customer here!" he burst out, but she could hear the laughter on the edges of his voice.

"You know the saying."

She shook her head. "Fine. You're right. Dancing is the worst. Happy?"

"Not even close."

She slapped on a cheery smile. "The Bali takes all our customer complaints seriously and we do our best to address and fix any issue," she sang. "How may we best assist you today?"

"That's a little better," he said, but he didn't look appeased.

"Vhat you vish, ve vill give!" she said in a ridiculous accent.

Hudson's laugh came quick and unrestrained, and Ty knew that if there was a winning title up for grabs, she had just won it. For good measure, she tapped out a few steps and finished with jazz hands.

"What was that?" he asked, still laughing.

"That was customer service at its finest!" She gave a sweeping bow. "Are you happy now?"

He was still smiling, but he hesitated. "While that was very entertaining, it still wasn't enough. I had to dance," he reiterated.

"Wait, you don't like to dance?" she asked dryly. For a moment, he thought she was serious and was going to answer, but he caught himself. He gave her a leveling look.

"There he is," someone called out behind them. They both turned to see a large part of the Hamilton party heading back to the VIP area. The bubble they had been in, popped. Automatically, Ty's face slipped into a neutral expression as she took a step back.

"Someone said they saw you on the dance floor," Grant said, throwing a rough arm around Hudson's shoulders. "Look at you having fun."

"Why didn't you come dance with us?" Kate asked, twirling around the brothers. "It's so much fun. Let's order another round before we go back out. Ty...!" Kate stopped midway through shouting Ty's name when she realized Ty was standing next to her. "Oh," she laughed. "Can we get a round of shots?"

"Of course," Ty said. She turned and almost ran into Bianca and the girls.

"Hudson, there you are!" the lady in pink said, leading the group.

"You disappeared on us," another one said.

"Girls, I just ordered a round of shots!" Kate sang excitedly. The whole group celebrated the news as Ty left.

Ty kept herself busy and out of reach from both Johnny and Hudson until the Hamilton group finally decided to call it quits for the night. She avoided Johnny because she didn't want to deal with his smug face, and Hudson because the girls were still focused on him and she was not going to get in the middle of that situation.

She had said goodnight to the Hamilton group and was delivering a tray full of empty glasses to the bar when Hudson and Johnny appeared on either side of her. "How does it feel to lose?" Johnny gloated, at the same time Hudson said, "I have a complaint." They both looked at each other for a moment, before Hudson motioned for Johnny to continue first.

"So Bennett?"

"I don't consider it a loss," she said.

Johnny laughed mockingly. "Hudson danced and you owe me fifty dollars. How is that not a loss?"

"The bet got Hudson on the dance floor. I'll call it a win." She could sense Hudson tense at her answer as he questioned her intention behind the whole bet.

"Call it whatever you want. I want my fifty dollars," Johnny said.

"I'll give it to you at the deck."

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