Chapter 5 - "You came to the right place."

Start from the beginning

In the group, Ty recognized Bianca and a blonde as the two who had shown a lot of interest in Hudson the first night. After she finished serving the second round of drinks, she couldn't stop her curiosity and moved closer to find out what they were scheming about.

"How are we doing ladies?" she asked. "What's the plan for tonight? A little dancing?"

She smiled mischievously like she knew they were up to no good and they responded with grins of their own.

"We'll definitely be dancing," Bianca said. "The question is with whom?"

"Luckily you have so many great options to choose from," Ty said. She swept her hand in the direction of a group of the guys Hudson was sitting with.

"We're really only looking at one," one of the girls said quietly with a small chuckle.

"Boyfriend?" Ty asked, knowing full well that wasn't who they were talking about.

They all laughed. "I wish," another girl said. "If only he would lighten up a little."

"Maybe with a few more drinks," one of them suggested. Their plotting eyes turned back to Hudson.

After a moment, Bianca turned to Ty. "How many drinks has Hudson had?"

"So it's Hudson Hamilton you have your eyes on," Ty said.

She did as the rest of the girls were doing and looked at Hudson.

There was no mystery why they had their sights set on him. Even among a group of well-dressed, good-looking guys, he stood out. In a group of guys who were clearly eager to impress everyone around them, Hudson looked like he could care less about what anyone around him thought. It was that very nonchalant attitude that got him the female attention.

Ty shifted her attention back to the group around her and found the same eager and hungry looks in all their eyes. There was a powerful energy swirling around them and she was struck with an idea to direct it in a way that could benefit her. She gave a little cough to reel the attention back to herself.

"Hudson Hamilton," she said thoughtfully. "He doesn't seem like the dancing type. I bet no one can get him on the dance floor." She let her words sink in for a moment. "Anyways," she smiled brightly. "Can I get you, ladies, anything to drink?"

Ty watched as her words seemed to cause a chain reaction of looks among the group.

"We're fine for right now," Bianca said, "but how about you make sure Hudson gets another drink."

"Sure thing," Ty said. She could hear the plotting begin as she walked away and headed straight for Johnny. She pushed her way into their small huddle until she was face to face with him. "I want in on tonight's round."

"The betting has been closed. Come back tomorrow," he told her automatically, barely acknowledging her presence.

"I have insider info about Hudson." He brushed her aside until she added, "and Bianca."

At the name Bianca, his focus zeroed in on her. "What about Bianca?" he asked.

His eyes darted to the piece of paper in his hand where Ty was sure he had already centered several of the bets around her for the night.

She pulled him out of the group and pointed at the VIP section. "You see that small group of girls at the end of the sofa."

"The one with the lady in pink?"

There was a blonde in the group in a hot pink dress. "Correct. They're trying to find a way to get Hudson onto the dance floor."

"Which one's Hudson?" Johnny asked.

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