Chp.1 On Our Own

Beginne am Anfang

Clementine: Think again genius, more like 10 minutes.

(YN): Really? Damn, gotta keep up with the time then, heh.

(YN) then sees Christa...

(YN): So are you, Christa?

Christa: I'm fine (YN), don't worry about me. Anyways, carrying those heavy sticks on your shoulder could've injured your shoulder you know?

(YN): Oh, it's nothing, I mean I have to keep myself strong somehow, you know?

Christa: Yeah...*sighs* Look, why don't you two keep the flame on, I need some space.

(YN): But-

Clementine: (YN).

Clementine stops (YN) to talk to Christa as she then walks away...

(YN): ...I take it you tried talking with her too?

Clementine: It was no use, I'm worried for her (YN).

(YN): So do I.

(YN) notices Clementine looking a bit down lately...

(YN): Still thinking about Lee?

She nods...

(YN): ...I do too, miss him still.

Clementine: ...He wouldn't got bit if it weren't for me.

(YN): Wha-*sighs* Clem, we talked about this a lot of times, it wasn't your fault-

Clementine: Yes! ..Yes, it was...I ran off, and I got him bit cause of me for being so stupid for running away, and...and...

(YN) quickly grabs her hands and to comfort her to not think about the fact she blames for Lee's death...

(YN): Clem, look at me, it wasn't your fault, and never will be. That damn stranger was the one that drag you and mess with your head, he's to be blame for Lee being bit, not you. So please don't blame yourself about it anymore, okay?

Clementine: ...Okay.

(YN) hugs her, as Clem then to feel a bit better being hug by (YN), and gently smiles...

(YN): Better?

Clementine: Much better, thanks.

(YN): Hm, okay, while we wait for Christa, help me set up the fire yeah?

Clementine: Okay.

As (YN) goes for the woods he brought to set up the fire, Clementine walks over to her backpack and looks for a lighter. While looking for it, she finds a picture of Lee, and a drawing of Kenny with Katjaa and Duck...she and (YN) also miss Kenny and them as well...afterwards, she found the light, and a piece of scrap paper too. She then goes approaching to (YN) as he set up the wood, Clementine lights up the lighter, lighting the paper on fire and to light up the wood and to make fire.

(YN): Ah, much better, warmer too.

Clementine: You said it, now we-

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