Bᴜᴛ ⵊ Dᴏɴ'ᴛ Wᴀɴɴᴀ Fᴀʟʟ Asʟᴇᴇᴘ Jᴜsᴛ Yᴇᴛ

342 13 22

TW// cussing, talking about last chapters events, injuries (cuts & bruises), unsafe binding

Tubbo's POV

"Who the fuck did this to you?" Phil asked, his tone laced with anger with a hint of concern. "Just- Just some kid." I said. "Lucas James Ray. That's his full name." Tommy answered correctly for me. I glared at him. "Thank you, Tommy." Phil said.

Phil went to open his door like he was going to go into the school and say something.

"W-Wait, no, don't. Don't deal with him now. Just- Just leave it, Techno already beat the shit out of him, just leave it, please. I just wanna go home." I said. Phil looked at me with a face of pure sympathy. "Ok. Ok, I won't say anything today. We can go home." He said. "Thank you."

"But when we arrive, I want to know exactly what happened, don't leave anything out." He said. I nodded.

He then turned back around in his seat and began to drive away.

Time skip

We walked into the house and I tired to slip up to my room but I was stopped.

"Come on, Tubbo. I know you don't wanna talk about it, but I need to know." Phil said. I exhaled, nodding. I followed him and the other three into the sitting room, carefully placing myself on the sofa, as to not hurt myself any more. I still needed to take the bandages off.

"So- So what happened?" Phil asked, sitting next to me on the sofa.

"Well," I spoke fast, "Ranboo and me were sitting outside waiting for our friends to show up because we got there early so we were just talking and this kid showed up and there were other kids out there and he yelled 'Hey everyone, look! The amnesiac is talking to the wannabe-boy' because Ranboo has some problems with his memory, they always have. Then he yelled 'Why don't you make out, you hell spawns' and I got pissed so I told him to fuck off so he told me not to get feisty. I tried to ignore him and continue my conversation with Ranboo but he yanked me off the table and I landed on my back really hard and I swear I couldn't breathe for a minute. Ranboo tired to help but these two other boys held him back and next thing I knew I was getting the shit beat out of me."

I looked up, done with my long, fast explanation. Woah, that was a lot of words that just left my mouth.

"And then we showed up and I scared him off after punching his face inwards and threatening that'd I'd kill him if he touched Tubbo again." Techno added. I nodded to confirm.

"That's is terrible. I don't- I don't even know what to say. I'm sorry, Tubbo, that he said that to you and your friend. Techno, thank you for taking care of that boy." Phil said. "Oh- wow, you're not actually mad at me for threatening to kill someone and shit?" Techno asked. "My exact words were to 'beat a bitch up,' weren't they? No, I'm not mad, I'm proud."

Phil then gave me a big hug, causing me to slightly wince from my bandaged up chest. He didn't notice, though.

His hug was really warm and comforting. We sat like that for about a minute in silence before Techno finally spoke again.

"Ok, explanation and comfort time over. Tubbo, go take that shit off." He said. I exhaled, gesturing to Phil with my eyes, showing that I didn't want Phil to know. "Take- Take what off?" Phil asked, releasing from our hug and looking at me.

I sighed.

"Techno, since you were so kind to open your mouth, why don't you explain to Phil while I go to my room and take care of them?" I said. "Fine by me." He replied. I shook my head, rolling my eyes as I stood up and left the room, going upstairs to my own.

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