Aʀᴇ Yᴏᴜ Tɪʀᴇᴅ Oꜰ Mᴇ Yᴇᴛ?

462 17 11

TW// cussing, misgendering, deadnaming, mentions of past trauma

Tubbo's POV
one week later

A week had passed, and I had became pretty good friends with Tommy. Wilbur was fun to mess around with, and Techno stayed to himself mostly. I usually like to keep to myself as well.

Most families, by now, had lost interest in me, gotten tired, but these people hadn't. I had barley spoken seven short sentences since I got here, yet they didn't seem to care. Tommy sometimes looked like he wanted me to talk back to him and have a conversation, but he kept quiet about it.

I was sitting silent and motionless in the chair at the desk in my room, when there was a knock at my door before opening. I looked up and saw Phil stood there.

"Hey, mate, we're gonna head to the shops and maybe grab a bite on the way back home. Do you wanna come with?" He asked. I thought for a moment.

"How are you not..." I exhaled. "Are you tired of me yet?" I asked. Phil looked a bit shocked, blinking a few times. "What on earth are you talking about, tired of you? Of course not, why would I be? What possessed you to ask me that?" He replied, taken aback.

"W-Well, mostly everyone had already stopped caring or paying attention to me by now, or they'd- they'd already sent me back." I said. I got a little nervous when I realized how much I had just talked. I hoped he wouldn't be mad.

Phil slightly frowned.

"I'm very sorry to hear that, but no, I'm not tired of you. Neither are the other three." He said. I nodded.

"Now, come on, let's get outta the house for a while." He then said, lightning the mood. I nodded with a small smile, and the two of us left my room.

Time skip

While we were out, we had gone to a few shops. Phil had bought me a few things for my room such as a lamp, and a few decorations. They had also gotten a few other things that they needed in the the house like food and shit.

I then heard a voice. I didn't recognize it, but it did sound like I had maybe heard it before.

"Alesha?" It was a lady's voice. I wasn't sure if the voice was directed towards me or a different Alesha, so I paid no attention to it. "Hey, Alesha!" She repeated. I looked up to see a woman, maybe in her thirties or forties, slightly jogging towards me.

I looked over at Phil and the other three a little nervously. They just looked confused.

"Oh my lord, Alesha. Where have you been? Your family just disappeared! I haven't heard from you guys in so long! How's your mum? Dad? Lani?" She asked with a smile. I paused, looking down at the floor.

I didn't know this lady, I don't think. I'm not sure how she knew me or my family.

"You do recognize me, don't you?" She asked. I slightly shrugged. "I was your mums friend. From work. You and I met a few times. What happened? Did you all move? Why hasn't your mum ever replied to my calls or texts?"

I reached up, covering my mouth as tears came to my eyes. My gaze was fixed on a chip in the floor.

"Alesha, uhm...Alesha's family is- uh- gone." Phil answered for me. "O-Oh...I'm- I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I had no intention to upset you." She said, quickly placing her hand on my arm. I flinched, pulling my arm away from her. She retracted her hand with a concerned face.

"It's a long story. Lots happened." Phil said. She slightly nodded.

I felt a hand gently grab mine, pulling me away. I looked up and saw that it was Tommy. He pulled us to a separate isle in the shop before releasing my hand.

"Figured you could use some space." He said. I nodded. "Th-Thanks." I replied quietly. He lightly smiled, nodding.

We stood in the isle for probably five minutes while Tommy talked and I just nodded and said one or two words. Then, Techno poked his head around the corner and waved us back over. I let Tommy walk ahead of me.

When we went back into the isle, I saw the lady stood there in front of Phil with her mouth covered and a saddened look on her face.

"Oh, Alesha," She said when she spotted me, "I'm so sorry that happened to you." I shrugged, shifting on my feet.

"I get that you don't really remember me. It's fine. We only met a couple times, and you've got a lot on you right now." She said. I nodded.

After a little bit, she left, so we did too.

And my name isn't fucking Alesha, you pricks.

Words: 825

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