Aʀᴇ Yᴏᴜ Dᴇᴀᴅ? Sᴏᴍᴇᴛɪᴍᴇs ⵊ Tʜɪɴᴋ ⵊ'ᴍ Dᴇᴀᴅ

352 15 38

TW// cussing, talk of beating someone up, brief mentions of past abuse/trauma, shitty teacher, unsafe binding

Tubbo's POV
a little while later

When I arrived to my last class of the day, which is the one that I do not have with Tommy, I noticed that Lucas kid was there. I had never noticed him before, but now that I actually kinda know who he is, I realized he was there.

Not to mention, this is an English class with by far the worst teacher in the whole school, Misses Counts. She yells at you when you don't know an answer, she shit talks you in front of everyone if you don't turn in your work on time, if you pass a note she'll read it to the whole class and correct your grammar in the note, and she tries to make me answer questions out loud and talk in front of the class a bunch. She says it'll 'warm me up' to talking, but she doesn't understand what I've gone through. She doesn't understand my pain. I've tried telling her, but her response was that talking to the class would 'fix that' and make me 'not be so frightened' anymore. She just doesn't understand.

So, yeah, she's a bitch.

After sitting in class for a while, tapping my pen and foot, I looked up at Lucas and noticed the he looked kinda...fucked up. His face was bruised and his nose had dried blood on it and a cut going across it.

Techno didn't...I told him not to! Why would he? Could he not see my panic when telling him not to? I don't want Phil to know what happened. I don't wanna cause him more worry!

Suddenly, the bell rang, and I shot up from my seat.

"Excuse me, Alesha!" Misses Counts yelled.

Oops, forgot about her 'the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do' bullshit.

"Where do you think you're going? I haven't told you that you can leave yet." She said. I just stared at her, silent and unmoving. "I like to be answered when I ask a question, young lady." I chewed the inside of my lip, my heart racing. "Answer me or it's detention for a week. Where are you going without my permission in such a rush?"

I exhaled, looking at her.

"Home." I said, grabbing my bag and throwing it over my shoulder, walking out of the classroom despite her protest.

I went down the hallway and out if the front doors where I always meet the three ti walk home.

I spotted Techno and Tommy there, but no Wilbur. Guess his class got held back a minute. I was pissed at Techno.

"What the hell?!" I scoffed, walking out to him, shoving his arm. "What?" He asked. "What the hell is wrong with you, that's what!" I said loudly. "What are you talking about? I didn't do anything." He nervously laughed under his breath, his tone staying calm and collected.

"I told you not to beat that guy up, Techno! He was too scared to even look my during our last class!" I said.

Techno tilted his head.

"I...didn't beat him up." He said. "What? Y-Yeah, you did. His- His face is all bloody and bruised." I replied. "Ok, well, it wasn't me."

"Hey, you guys ready to go?" I heard Wilbur ask as he approached us.

I noticed his hands. His knuckles were red and slightly cracked.

"Wilbur...why the fuck did you do that?" I asked. "Hm?" He questioned, acting clueless. "You told Tech not to beat him up. You never said anything about me or Tommy."

"Tommy! You too?" I asked. He nervously laughed, holding up his hands that were also red and bruised.

"Great. Just great. As if Phil doesn't worry enough about me, now he's gonna think I'm beating assaulted at school." I rolled my eyes, exhaling. "I mean, you technically did get assaulted at school." Techno replied.

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