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Monday, January 24th, 2022.
Olivia's Mansion at Coventry ⬆️

KEIRA ADAMS had a huge smile on her face when she woke up that morning. For the first time since she started at the school, she was actually excited.

She had spent the weekend hanging out with the "ROYALS" and it had been incredibly fun, from having breakfast at "The Windsor Castle", to being in the same room as royalty, overcoming her stage fright and playing the piano for people she never expected, to attending an actual ball, to being at the box seat of a football stadium, watching the Premier League final as Sebastian continuously made her laugh.

Sebastian Keen, the boy whom she had fallen for. The night which they spent at the castle was magical. He had explored every inch of her body and treated her like a goddess, despite her inexperience as a virgin. She was going to tell him how much she liked him today. Everything felt easy with him, unlike Alexander. Speaking of him, Keira would finally tell him that everything they had in the past was a mistake, from the date night to the kisses they shared, she would tell him she wanted to be with Sebastian now.

Keira was giddy, she finally found a place where she actually fit in. She had real friends who wanted to be around her, even Yasmin was warming up to her. She couldn't understand why Melissa had tried to paint them badly, they were really great people and she adored her time with them.

She finally came out of her thoughts and decided to get ready for school. After eating breakfast, she made her way out of the Dorms and into the Academic Building.

This school would always be confusing to her. At the far end of the school was the Dormitory which housed the four hostels opposite each other, "Anne", "Victoria", "Edward", and "Henry". The building had a huge open dining hall in the center, with four long tables, where the students had breakfast and dinner. It also had a gym, a library, a lounge center, a mini hospital, and a games room. Outside the dorms were the chapel and the mosque, the various sports venues; the indoor tennis, volleyball, and basketball courts, the football (soccer) field, the indoor swimming pool, and the wide track.
It was a five minute walk from the dorms to the Academic Building, which consisted of the various classrooms, the laboratories, clubs, the gym (which was only used for PE and not actual exercise), libraries, The Great Hall (used for assemblies, presentations, and performances), a clinic and the large cafeteria, where the students had lunch and snacks. The school was very huge, and fitting for the vast amount of students they had to accommodate.

When she entered the halls of the building, all eyes were on her and she felt very scrutinized, however, she kept walking to get to her first class. But the whispers only increased, everyone was looking at their phone and then pointing at her.

Nervously, she pulled out her phone from her bag, unlocked it, she watched in horror when she saw it. On the group chat for the third years, pictures from a private number of her and Alexander at the restaurant where they had dinner last week. They showed them laughing and smiling, having a good time all in all. They even showed when he kissed her as he dropped her off at the school gate. To make things worse, there were more pictures of her, here, she was with Sebastian where they were both asleep in the room at the castle, her head on his chest, and his arms around her. They were completely naked together, covered with the duvet.

She had been tagged, and in bold captions were the words:

She felt like she couldn't breathe, she placed her hand on the closest wall to steady herself. She was in a lot of trouble. Confirming her words, Olivia marched down the hallway with Yasmin behind her. She headed straight for Keira and immediately she reached her, a hard slap landed on her face.

A tear slipped out of Keira's eye as the pain registered. Olivia had hit her so hard that her cheek bled and she fell to the ground. She could see Yasmin smirking from the corner of her eye.

"You bitch! You're dead to me, dead!" Olivia screamed at her, the rest of the students had now formed a circle, watching them intently, some were even taking videos and pictures.

Keira watched helplessly as Olivia was about to hit her again, but Yasmin held her back, trying to get her to calm down. That's when Alexander and Rahim ran in and pushed past the crowd.

"Olivia, I can explain—" Alexander said, trying to speak to her, but she simply cut him off, grabbing the bottle of water in Rahim's hand and emptying it on his head and face, soaking his uniform shirt and blazer.

"Go to hell, Alexander" She told him, pushing him slightly and walked away with Yasmin. Alexander threw one last disgusted look at Keira before he and Rahim followed his girlfriend, as the crowd dispersed.

Keira felt ashamed, she had lost the group, and Alexander would never want her again. Looking up from the floor, she saw Sebastian and Leia at the end of the hall, watching from a distance. She stood up to talk to him.

"Where did those pictures of us come from?" She asked him

"Why are you speaking to me, Keira?" Sebastian asked her

"W-what do you mean?" She said, and he took a step closer to her

"You want the prince, right? I am merely a second choice for you to settle for. So go talk to him. I can't believe I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend" he scoffed

"I-it's not like that, Sebastian" She said as more tears fell

"So how is it like? Because to me, it seems you kissed my best friend, who is committed by the way. And then you slept with me. You used me, Keira, what exactly did he promise you?"

"I didn't use you, I swear, I'll admit, I did feel something for Alexander at first, but that all died the moment we kissed on that balcony" Keira desperately pleaded

"I'm not listening to this anymore, stay away from me" He said and walked away

"You really fucked up" The English princess said quietly, handing her a wipe to clean her bloody and tear stained cheeks, as she leaned against a wall. Keira had completely forgotten she was there.

"Thanks, and yeah, I know I did"

"Do you though? You're so lucky Sebastian actually liked you, or he'd let Olivia ruin your life, having her way with you"

"I was going to call things off with Alex, I swear I was"

"It doesn't matter" Leia whispered

"What matters is that you did it in the first place, you entertained him. I'm not saying he isn't wrong here but at the end of the day, Olivia will forgive her boyfriend, and they'll be back before you know it. Alexander and Sebastian won't even fight about this, because they didn't even know what you were doing behind their backs and they've been together way too long to let you come between them. You're the one who ends up looking like a fool."

"I don't need to hear you insult me right now" Keira snapped back and the princess laughed

"You're lucky I'm even speaking to you, look around you Keira. You have no one, no one, you lost the chance to become one of us. It's a shame, I really did like you" Leia told her softly and left her standing all alone in the hallway.

How had she gone from having everything to having nothing in less than 24 hours? She really had no one now.

ROYALSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ