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Friday, January 21st, 2022.

Olivia's outfit ⬆️

"WHY ARE THEY TAKING SO MUCH TIME?" Sebastian complained as he inhaled his cigarette

"Girls and their habits" Rahim said.

It was quite early in the morning and the three boys were leaning on a limo outside the school gate, waiting over an hour for the girls to show up so they could start heading to Windsor Castle, Berkshire, in order to get ready for the ball taking place tomorrow.

"Good Morning" Keira stated as she came out, they looked her up and down. She was wearing a short cargo skirt, a tight crop top and ankle boots.

Did she not get the memo that they were going to a castle? She was definitely American. Alexander thought

"This is what you're wearing?" Rahim questioned, voicing out his thoughts

"Yeah, what's wrong with it?"

"Um, everything, you do realize you're going to meet royalty right? How aren't you even cold?" Leia said coming out, and Yasmin snickered while Olivia simply rolled her eyes at her poor fashion taste. The three girls were finally here.

"I honestly do not care right now, can we just go? We're already an hour late" Alexander said tiredly.

It was 7:30 in the morning, he had been up since 6:00 in order to avoid any traffic on the way. Oxford to Berkshire was normally a 40 minute drive give or take but it could easily turn into two hours if they went late. He hadn't gotten any sleep due to all the planning he had to do, getting his parents to send a limousine for them which they refused to do without sending three SUVs containing fifteen bodyguards. Dramatic much? Yes, his parents were, then again, they were transporting some of the wealthiest children alive.

"Sorry" Olivia murmured as they all entered the limo, she sat close to the window with her boyfriend, Yasmin and Rahim while Sebastian, Leia and Keira sat across them.

"So are you all excited to go to my beautiful house?" Leia said clapping her hands

"We've been there a million times" Rahim replied rolling his eyes

"Shut up"

"Wait, you live there? As in the Windsor Castle?
The biggest castle in England?" Keira asked excitedly

"Well yes, last time I checked, where else would I live?"

"I honestly did not expect that"

"We've lived there our whole lives, it's pretty cool, but definitely lonely" Alexander piped up

"Which is why you're always at my place" Olivia replied intertwining their fingers and giving him a quick kiss, causing Keira to look at them jealously. She had been keeping in touch with Alex, but it wasn't frequent.

The Nigerian girl who was born in England, but due to her family being based in Lagos, Nigeria lived alone all the way in a serene mansion at Coventry, which was roughly a two hour drive from Berkshire. The prince would constantly spend his time there, when he wasn't busy with Royal duties.

"I always forget you live so far" Yasmin, the London resident commented

"Its not that far, and its way better that being choked up in London"

"London is not choked up" Sebastian, the second resident argued

"Yes it is" Rahim, who lived at Cambridge stated, making Sebastian end his argument.

"I can't wait to get to the tennis court, the castle has the best one" Yasmin sighed wistfully

"Same" Olivia agreed

"You guys play tennis?" Keira questioned the girls, explains why they ate a lot, she thought

"Well, they do, but I don't. I'm on the school's swim team, keeps me fit" Leia commented causing her two girl friends to roll their eyes.

They all had their unique extra curricular. Yasmin was a really good tennis player, and captain of the school's team.
Olivia simply played for fun, as it was her hobby, she was good at it, and she played for the school team once in a while, but she was also the head of the school's debate committee, which was something she was really passionate about, seeing as she wanted to become a lawyer in the future.
Leia on the other hand was a great swimmer, winning several trophies, she doesn't intend to go pro of course, it's just something she enjoys. Alexander was a modest track-star, member of the boys track team at school, has the fourth fastest record in the school.
Sebastian was also on the team, he was the captain even, with the fastest record.
Rahim was on the boys football team, and he was great at it. His dream is to play for the "Manchester United F.C" one day but he knew he wouldn't be able to achieve it, due to his Royal status.

"Do you play?" Olivia asked Keira

"Oh, no, sports aren't really my thing"

"So what is your thing?" Sebastian asked, genuinely intrigued

"Music, I play the piano" Keira replied

"That's really cool, you should play at the ball tomorrow" Leia suggested mischievously

"No no, I can't, there would be too many people, and it's been a while since I last played. I'm sure you already have someone else"

"Oh please, I'm already texting the event planner that we have a new piano player, this could be your birthday gift to me" Leia said, ignoring Keira. She was royally fucked, she thought.


"OKAY, SO HERE'S MY BIRTHDAY GIFT TO US" Olivia said to the group, they were all seated at one of the many dining tables, eating breakfast.

They got to the castle around 9:00am, managed to catch and greet the King and Queen before they stepped out. Keira had finally changed into something more modest after getting disapproving looks from the King and his subjects. After all, she was the only one out of all the four girls wearing something so short and revealing.

"Us?" Alexander asked, smiling as he held her hand. He was sitting at the head of the table, with his girlfriend to his right and his sister to his left. Rahim and Yasmin were beside Olivia, while Sebastian and Keira were beside Leia.

"Yes, Us" she replied him with a lopsided smile on her face

"Well what is it?!" Leia asked impatiently, bouncing on her chair while eating her pancakes

"Seven box seat tickets to watch the Premier League final in Manchester, between Manchester City and Aston Villa on Sunday, tomorrow" Olivia said, eliciting gasps from all of them.

"How did you pull that off so soon?" Rahim asked her

"I have my ways" she said, and Alexander's smile just got wider, he was truly incredibly lucky

"Manchester is a four hour drive though" Leia whined

"That's why we'll be flying there, and then back to Oxford immediately after" Olivia replied

"Commercial?" Yasmin asked distastefully

"I mean, is first class really that bad? My dad won't let us use the jet for something this trivial"

"Let's just use mine, my parents won't mind" Sebastian suggested and they all agreed

"Thank you, darling" Alexander whispered to his girlfriend, raising her hand to kiss it while she smiled.

Sebastian, this time around, proceeded to take a snap of them all at the table in order to post on his Snapchat general story, he tagged it:
Breakfast at the palace with the group!🍳 🥞

Honestly just making things up as I go at this point, I hope you enjoy it. I know Keira's outfit isn't so bad, or revealing, but we have to remember that she's going to the castle to meet the King and Queen of the country, who are middle aged, and very conservative people, so her fashion choice definitely wasn't the best, and can't be compared to what Olivia or the other girls wore.
Make sure you vote, share, and drop a comment so I know what your thoughts are, I'd love to know your favorite characters as well. Love you all💗

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