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Monday, January 10th, 2022.
View of their school ⬆️

THE ROYALS strutted away, Keira looked at her phone and saw that it was almost time for her class, seeing as her tour guide did not show her where the class rooms would be, she would have to figure this out on her own.

"Are we really going for this Chemistry class, the professor is honestly a waste of time" Yasmin Herrera sighed to her friends as they made their way down the halls to get to their class.

"It would also be a waste of time for us" Leia Windsor agreed as she used her phone as a distraction from the massive stares they were receiving

"So we should skip? I brought back some cannabis from my holiday in Nigeria" Olivia chimed in the conversation

"Yes, I have been dying for a smoke, You are such a bad influence,Via" Alexander Windsor told his girlfriend with a velvet voice as he gave her a quick kiss.

"Come on lovebirds, let's go find an empty classroom" Rahim said

"We could use the one for the first years, they don't start classes till next week"

And with the words of Sebastian, the royals turned around and made their way to the halls of juniors, where the stares would get unbelievably worse.


OLIVIA brought out a large bag of marijuana from her Givenchy mini purse, how she fit such a big Ziploc was surprising to everyone. As she started to roll a blunt, she forgot one crucial detail.

"Does anyone have a lighter, i must have left mine in my car"

"Oh, here you go" Leia handed her a black elegant lighter with her name engraved in cursive.

"Everything about you is fancy" Rahim told her.

"You're as bad as me".

In the middle of the argument of the two actual royals in the group, someone barged into the class, Olivia did not even bother to hide her proof of illegality, she could care less, however, when that certain someone spoke, Olivia realised who it was, Keira Adams, the American new girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I thought this was my chemistry class" she apologised, turning beet red as she noticed the amount of weed that was on the table. She turned to leave.

"Come back" Those two words made her stand still for a moment, she turned her back. The way Olivia said those words made her feel like a loyal servant, which was exactly what the queen was going for.

Her Ralph Lauren flats were the only noise in the class as she walked over to them.

"Thought we were meant to keep the strays out and not in, Liv" Yasmin said without looking up from her phone and the rest of the group laughed, including someone she thought was her new friend, Sebastian Keen.

"Oh come on, Yasmin, she looks okay" Olivia looked Keira from head to toe, probably wondering why she looked so dull.

"I have actually met her, this is Kira" Sebastian said walking up to her and introducing her to the group.

"My name is Keira actually, Keira Adams" She said her last name like it was supposed to carry weight, but the royals looked at her, bored and quiet.

"Oh, I think I know her, your parents own that advertising company" Olivia was the only one kind enough to reply her.

"Yeah, they do"

"I think my dad has worked with them before, probably back when he wasn't in his glory days" They all started to laugh again as Yasmin said that, Keira felt humiliated, they obviously did not like her.

"Anyways, you should join us for a smoke, you have smoked weed before right? Keira replied Olivia with hesitancy in her voice.


"Great, you can go ahead and roll this for you and Sebastian" Olivia handed some weed to her. She handed another set to Rahim, Yasmin and Leia. While her and Alexander shared one.

Seeing Keira struggle with the weed, Sebastian offered to help.

"Here, let me help you. Don't ever be weak in front of her" He whispered the last part of his sentence into her ear, making it sound like a warning. As he handed her the lighted blunt to smoke, Olivia stared at them smiling internally, knowing that her plan was already in motion.


A FEW MINUTES after they had smoked, they all started to feel the weed hit and of course they got incredibly hungry.

"I am famished you guys, we need to get some food" Olivia stood up from her position on the floor with Alexander at the far end of the classroom.

"I agree, I could faint right now" The spanish girl whispered

"There's this new French restaurant a few streets away, we could try it out" Rahim spoke up

And they all got up ready and excited to go get food, well apart from the new comer

"I-I think I'll just head off to my next class" Keira stuttered

"Could care less" Yasmin said to Rahim who smiled back at her. It was clear the girl did not like her.

"Oh, you are in no condition to attend a class right now, if the professor notices anything strange, you might have to take a blood test" Olivia cautioned her

"Yeah, and you could get expelled, what a tragedy that would be" Leia said feigning sadness.

"Just come with us, we will probably be back during lunch time" The British prince said, and Keira realised that this was the first time he had spoken to and acknowledged her. She was already captivated by him and instantly agreed to go with them.

As Keira walked out of school after she had come in only a hour before, she started to understand what Melissa said about her being an easy target. She hated the fact she was interested in them and loved the attention that they were giving her, she already knew that they had bad intentions for her, but she assured herself that no matter what, she would not allow the royals to break her, no matter how attracted she was to Alexander Windsor, she would not allow them to win.

What she failed to understand was that they had already won. Before she even started to play, Olivia Adenuga knew exactly how the game was going to end and it was not going to be in favour of Keira Adams.

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