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Friday, January 14th, 2022.
Yasmin's Pool House in Manchester⬆️

THE REST of the week rolled by quick. Keira was not exactly thrilled to be going for this party. The amount of snapchat friend requests she had received over the week was quite massive, not to mention the constant stares she got in school. These all started of course after the innocent post Yasmin Herrera shared on the first day of school, this was not how she saw her week going.

Now here she was in the middle of her room on a Friday evening looking for the perfect outfit for the stupid party she didn't want to go to in the first place. But at the same time, she didn't want to upset any of the royals. She had to go for the party, getting an invite was a privilege, or so Melissa told her.

Sebastian had agreed to pick her up around 8:00 so they could go together, they had gotten closer over the week. After much thinking, she decided to go for a white long sleeved crop top and a high waisted blue jeans, with her black bikini underneath. She opted for a natural look today, just some mascara and lip gloss. Somehow she already knew that this party would suck for her.


OLIVIA ADENUGA crossed her legs and pursed her lips as she sat down on the white fluffy couch in the living room, staring at her phone with a disappointed look, her boyfriend hadn't replied her text since an hour now. She was at Yasmin's party and she couldn't lie, it was amazing but yet she couldn't pry her eyes away, she was desperately waiting for a text back.

"My Queen" Sebastian Keen walked towards her and bowed

"You are so ridiculous"

"What's wrong? You've been distracted all night" He said as he sat down beside her

"Relationship issues, and don't you have a pet to care for? where is she anyway?"

"She's in the restroom, and she is not a pet"

"Yeah right"

"I actually like her you know, she's interesting"

"Is she now? wow, this would make the heartbreak more entertaining"

"You're impossible"

"Oliviaaa, come dance with me" Drunk princess Leia walked over to them and slurred

"Come on" Leia said and pulled Olivia to her feet, dragging her away from Sebastian and into the crowd of dancing teenagers.


KEIRA tried to look for the restroom but Yasmin's mansion was huge, and she couldn't find it, she wandered off to the pool, she didn't know how she got there, she just did.

Sitting down on deck chairs beside each other were Rahim and Yasmin, the two people she wanted to see the least, she was convinced Yasmin hated everything about her which was why she was shocked when she waved her over.

Dressed in a dark green two piece bikini, wearing sunglasses and lounging like she was getting a tan was the Spanish heiress, which was ironic because it was 10pm at night. Nevertheless, Keira made her way towards her, Yasmin regarded her like she was the dirt under her shoe.

"What are you wearing?" She asked which caused Keira to look at her outfit again feeling more uncomfortable.

"You do realize this is a pool party right" Yasmin said again

"Oh, I'm not swimming"

"Buzzkill" Rahim muttered and Yasmin took off her glasses and looked her dead in the eye

"Listen to me, I don't care if you're swimming or not, you will wear something more appealing, do you have a bikini under?"

"Y-yes I do"


"Here, in front of everyone?" Keira asked nervously

"No one is going to stare at you, trust me" Yasmin assured her

"Okay" Keira said and began to unzip her jeans, Rahim, being a gentleman averted his eyes as she revealed her black bikini. Yasmin on the other hand did not, she stared her down as if deciding her body wasn't perfect enough, how couldn't she? The heiress had the body of a supermodel.

"Hmm...tacky" she said immediately Keira was done undressing

"I guess it's manageable, right, Rahim?" The Dubai prince just shrugged

"Oh well, off you go, Adams"

"T-to where?" Keira asked looking down, she couldn't bear to look Yasmin in the eye

"The pool of course" she said pointing to the pool that was just a few feet away from them

"But I said I wasn't swimming"

"And I told you, I don't care" Yasmin said and there was a defeaning silence until she got up and moved closer to Keira, she grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her into the pool without any warning. The last thing Keira remembered was forgetting how to breathe.


THE LOUD screams from the pool side drove Olivia out of the house, she rushed out to see what was going on, she got to see Keira Adams drowning with no one rushing to help her, she couldn't understand why they were screaming so much. The scene was so satisfying well until her own boyfriend dove into the pool and brought her out, how he got to the party without her knowing was shocking.

"What the hell, Yasmin, and none of you could help her?" her wet boyfriend asked the group of teenagers gathered around, though it seemed as if the question was directed to her.

"Oh come on, Alexander, it was just a joke, I didn't know she couldn't swim" Yasmin said fighting back a smile and Keira sat up coughing up water while Alexander glowered at her.

"There you go" He said to Keira and draped a towel over her, he helped her to her feet,

Olivia could hear the whispers and mutters of the crowd, had the prince fallen for another? Why did he save her? Her eyes did not leave the two of them, even as they made their way out of the house, the American girl even had the nerve to turn back and stare at her as if telling her she was here to take her throne, as if this humiliation hadn't been enough.
Olivia simply walked back to the house and searched for the drunk princess so she could take care of her, she ignored her heart breaking into a million pieces and kept searching.

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