Lucy's Skill!

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"I'll go for this." i said. The freaky pumpkin man explained the first game of the GMGS . It was basically hide and seek,but we were ALL seekers.



"AND FROM SABERTOOTH!WE HAVE THE ICE QUEEN,OR LIZZI VALENTINE" the pumpkin yelled. I waved and whispered"ice magic:fireworks!" white fireworks shot out of my outstrecthed left hand, to get on to a certian point then shatter into diamond shaped shards, the crowd clapped as i bowed.



we were teleported into the fake city. "-ANDDD!BEGIN!" Screamed sir pumpkin freak-a lot. I raced to the highest tower where a plan assembled in my mind.






I was getting away from nalpuddding when i saw that girl from sabertooth. She was standing atop a point of the highest area.((like Rufus)) she must be an idiot, but she was smirking.




She yelled.



Something glowed behind her like Erza's reruip. There were beautiful ice blue tinted angel wings. They had feathers falling from them but they never seeked to lose any. the feathers,once far away, cracked into ice shards and fell.



Her clothes glowed to. The Bow, and her shirt changed from red to a little darker shade of ice blue,about the same as her eyes.



Everyone,including me, was staring with awe at Lizzi. She giggled like a child.

she then shot up at a good speed, till she was just under the clouds."WHAT IS SHE GOING TO DO??!" Screamed the annoucer,terrified Of her overwhelming power.



She smirked. Her hand shot up,it's Palm open and spread out. Dark clouds started to swirl around her hand,lightning hitting other clouds, they turned ugly shades of purple and black.



In the middle,where you could she a circle of light from who knows where,a GIANT bow and arrow appeared, the bow pointing itself at the ground. Wind was whipping around,and the clouds crackled.



Magically,the bow had ANOTHER GIANT knocked arrow appear.


and the arrow fired.

Lucy's Revenge ((1st book in the series))Where stories live. Discover now