Chapter 27

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They were at the police station. Akir had tears flowing down his face. Even if he didn't have the best parents, the best childhood or the best family experience ; they were the only mother and father he knew, had and had tried to love.

He remembered after reaching the age of 16 he had started staying over at Caspian's, more than his own home. He couldn't take it anymore. He thought he had shut all of those memories, that he had healed. He believed he was better because he could love Cyone. He could, right?

He had been sobbing into Halcyone's chest as he saw the handcuffs on his parents' wrists. She had securely hugged him. Patting him at frequent intervals.

"I love you. I love you, right? Can I love you? Should I love you? Am I even doing this right?" Akir asked in a muffled voice as he continued hugging Halcyone tightly. He had liked her, he had loved her, he did want to love her, forever...if that existed.

Before she could answer she saw Caspian enter the station. Drenched in sweat, heaving.

He came closer, his eyes red, either anger or tears. Maybe both.

"Akir. Akir Orson. Look at me." He said, in a completely different demeanour.

Akir slowly lifted his head and looked towards the source of that voice. ".......Casp"

He feebly called out. Slowly detaching himself from Halcyone and moving towards him. "Casp..." he called again. Desperate and hurt. His movements were sloppy as he reached out to him and grabbed him. Bawling, louder than before. "They...they..were sitting...they were....near her....they"

He gripped harder onto Caspian. Halcyone's heart broke seeing Akir in such a vulnerable state.

She understood Caspian's gaze and got up as well. "I'll see you later, Akir."

He quickly got out of Caspian's embrace and held onto Cyone's dress. "Don't....don't leave me. I will be stronger, I....I can love you. I will. What...what he did to me...doesn't make me any less of a man. Please..."

Halcyone's urge to protect him, reassure him that she will still and always remain by his side, her anger towards his adoptive parents. But she knew, these impulsive thoughts will only lead to comfort. That is not what she wanted, she wanted him to heal. She wanted him to trust himself and his love for her. Have courage in her love and belief in her love. That nothing in this world can make her love him any less. For he was her hope, he was the one who made her fight for something boldly that could be her demise.

"I know. I will be right behind you. I know, actually even you know, deep down here" she placed her palm on top of his beating heart, "that Caspian is the one you want and need right now."

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