Chapter 3

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Caspian was sitting next to Ayla, hand in hand during lunch. He kept kissing her cheeks for which Ayla furiously blushed and shoved him away. In front of them sat an awkward pair, Akir and Halcyone. The two recently got to know that Ayla and Caspian liked one another and after months of crushing on each other they were finally dating.

Akir was overjoyed as he got closer to Halcyone. He learnt her favourite hobbies, songs, books and her last name. Halcyone Fawn. The name wove just as perfectly. Her love for nature seemed to overflow in her name. He let her know of his interests along with his last name, Akir Orson. She had thought his name to be wonderful. They both seemed to share the same love for flowers, their hidden meanings and representations.

Akir would meet up with Halcyone often during breaks. The two of them would sneak out of school and go to the nearby stream and sit and chat for hours, missing classes to look for unique flowers. The two of them had a game of marking points for who found the most unique flowers for that month.

'His laugh, those sea-green eyes, pitch black hair....everything about him was so bright, filled and robust. He was handsome yet sculpted so beautifully, precisely with sharpness.' she thought, studying him. Without realising, when she wasn't with him, she'd sketch him. For the first time she felt she couldn't replicate an entity even after letting the image sink in. She could picture every moment with him in her mind, but could never actually sketch it. The sketch seemed lacking.

She seemed to look for excuses to be with him more. "Orson?" calling him by his last name gave her a sense of security. Calling his first name felt too personal and special.

"Halcyone!" he'd light up, she noticed. This always seemed to twist in her chest, she felt giddy and excited.

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