Chapter 1

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"The light, fragility as she passed by with a soft smile plastered on her face as if she had escaped out of a painting before it could be completed. Yes before she could be completed. She had something missing, but that's what made her expressively gorgeous. It was the same pale beige shirt and a gray skirt, yet she stood out. Maybe it was her hair colour? Mauve. A shade of purple. Everything seemed to fade when it came to her. Yet, so painfully drawing."

"Maybe that's why I regretted chasing after her that day. If that hadn't happened, I could have appreciated the unfinished art for longer from afar." Akir smiled bitterly, pressing down the tears — standing in front of closely knit friends and family, with a faded-bright blue casket next to him, specially made for the holder, Halcyone.

"Yet Hyacinths are not the flowers that represent her, it is the Arvensis. She wasn't anything near to regretful. I could never imagine regretting being with her or having her pass by me. It hurts, it hurts millions, trillions but time spent with her was the most precious. The memories and love is what I'd like to remember her by, Arvensis." Akir finally broke down, not being able to stand straight, properly ending the eulogy.

Caspian, with tear stained eyes dashed towards him to give the required support, getting him down the podium. Halcyone's parents were hugging each other while sobbing. Her brother walked up and gave his eulogy with a cracked voice failing to hide his broken heart miserably.

Hyacinth was it? Forget-me-not it was.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora