Chapter 24

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Halcyone decided to open her own florist store. Akir still had a few years more to finish his studies but had started working in hospitals. The two of them still made sure to give time for each other no matter how busy their life got.

They had picnic dates, movie dates, shopping dates, dinner dates, lunch dates and sometimes even breakfast dates.

"Hello? Ci's florals." Halcyone spoke into the phone.

The other end was quiet for a while after which someone spoke on the other end. "1 bouquet of Love-me flowers please."

Halcyone smiled and agreed as she asked for the address. The caller simply said the buyer would come and collect it.

Halcyone was confused since the caller dialled the delivery number but didn't want it delivered yet agreed to the request regardless.

She put in her heart and soul in decorating this piece. She waited until she saw the door open.

"Welcome-" "Akir?" She tilted her head.

"Hi Ci, came here to collect my order?"

"You ordered the Love-mes?" She asked, thoroughly confused now.

"Yes. I did."

He paid and left with the flowers. He didn't mention who they were for or what he was going to do with them.

Halcyone was a bit agitated with that fact. He had never actually gotten her flowers. She felt it was childish but she wanted to be.

After 4 hours she couldn't take the suspense anymore and was curious to know who the flowers were for and shut her store sooner than intended.

"The store closes early today?" One of her potential customers asked as they were walking in her direction.

"Yes sir. Bye!" She yelled and ran.

Upon coming back home she furiously opened the door to be taken aback at the lovely food platter and her gorgeous creation in between.

"It was a dinner date. It was for a dinner date. Omg I am unbelievable." Halcyone thought as she placed her coat and hat in the hanger and walked in.

Hyacinth was it? Forget-me-not it was.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant