Chapter Seventeen

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Ember grabbed her bag and followed Selia to the one-story cottage's beautiful round wooden door. The thatch roofing hung over the edge of the roof slightly casting darker shadows onto the wooden siding.

"Do ya want a drink?" Selia questioned as she opened the door and entered into the living room of the enchanting dwelling.

"Yes, please. Whiskey; if you have it," Ember answered surveying her surroundings.

The sitting room was warm and toasty; a fire crackled in the large fireplace in the center of the back wall so that it was the first thing you noticed when you entered the captivating space.

It had to be three times the size of a regular fireplace. Something that seemed to be a common theme with the few places she had been on the Island so far.

She sat her bag in an oversized empty chair in the corner and made her way to the kitchen where Selia was pouring three tumblers with the whisky as requested.

"Do you have a beer too?" Ember questioned as she accepted the glass and downed the contents quickly.

"Wow."Ember breathed as fire coated her throat and settled in to her belly.

Selia laughed. "Yeah, help yourself in the icebox there."

Ember trailed after Selia once she grabbed the cold bottle out of the refrigerator. Entering the living room Ember saw Conor appear from the hallway that she assumed lead to the living quarters of the mesmerizing cottage.

"Hey Em', Hey Sel. S'every thing okay?" His brow knitted together, his eyes just like his sister, full of worry.

"Och. Everythin is fine Con. I made ya a drink if ya want to come take it." Selia held out the glass to her brother.

Conor hummed, walking to grab the amber-filled glass and took a gulp, blowing a breath out when he finished.

"Thats good right there."

Ember fidgeted nervously, taking a swill of the bottle.

"So, Con'. Ya wan take that drink back ta yer room? We need to have girl talk." Selia smiled at Ember.

She shot Conor an apologetic look. She hated to have him "sent" to his room when she was the one intruding.

"No, it's okay," Ember paused chewing her lip, "you can join us if you like."

"I won't be intruding on any one's personal life, Em'. Ya be needin to speak wi my sister an I will be swell in my room whiles ya two talk."

She sighed because truthfully she might need help from them both. So, she said as much.

"I may need answers, or help, or something from the both of you; I would really rather have to go through all of it just once. Of course, if you don't want to, and would prefer to go to your room, well, I won't take offense."

Conor thought for just a moment about what she said.

"Well, then; tha settles it. Do ya wanna talk in tha kitchen round tha table or here round tha fire?"

Ember smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. She looked to Selia to answer that question. She was after all, a visitor in their home.

"Round tha fire will be fine. Tha livin' room is more comfortable. Con' go an tend tha fire an I'll get tha refills." Selia called out disappearing into the kitchen.

"Do you need help with anything?" Ember asked, feeling awkward just standing there.

"Ya can ring yer Gran up now so we won be disturbed once we start. I'm almost done here anyways."

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