Chapter 25

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A/N: I promise. I am working on this story. However, I have been working on others more. If you want me to update this before I actually do, feel free to tell me to update, but please give me about three days to do so.




I made it to the top of the cove in no time and saw my brother sitting at the edge with Serenity's clothes and phone in his hands.

Worry filled my eyes when I saw the phone and looked at him with eyes. "Did y-"

Julius snorted and rolled his eyes, interrupting me, and I frowned. "Please," he said. "I might not be nosey, but I am not that nosey." He stood and walked over to me. "Besides, I know that she is yours, and I wouldn't do that to you."

I nodded, feeling relieved that he didn't go through her phone messages. "Ok," I said. "Do you want me to hang onto the stuff while you get situated on my back, or do you think you can handle dealing with both?"

Julius didn't respond and held the stuff out to me. He wanted me to take it so that he could get on my back without breaking anything.

I nodded and took the stuff from him before I knelt down and bent over so that he would be able to get on my back.

Julius quickly got onto my back and got himself situated. "You might want to tuck the phone into a piece of clothing so that it won't fall to the ground on accident," he said while he held out his hand for me to give it to him. "Or for it to get dirty."

I nodded and did what he suggested, stuffing the phone into the shirt before I handed it to him. "Hold onto that tightly," I warned, and my little brother snorted and rolled his eyes.

"I know, Stupid," he said, and I growled playfully at him, barely loud enough for my family, who were still in the cove, to hear. "Now, let's go so that you can see the love of your life."

I rolled my eyes and bit back a small smile. "Very funny," I said dryly, and my brother grinned. "Are you ready?"

"Yes," he said and nodded. "Let's go and see ev-"

"Hello up there," my cousin yelled from the ground. "Are you two ok up there?"

"We are good," I called back. "We're about to come down now."

"Well, come to the edge and say a hi first," my cousin said, "and then you can leave and go down to the ground level. I want to say hi."

My brother grew tense. "Do we have to go to the edge?" he asked. "Are you going to try to get TJ to throw me over the edge?"

I bit back a snort and held back an eye roll. "Please," I said. "I would not do that to you." I stood and patted his leg. "I would throw my shoe at him before I tossed you into the cove."

"Rude," my cousin yelled. "Now, let's go. I want to see you all before you go."

"You can go," Julius said softly, "And then let's go down because I want to go swimming too."

I nodded. "Ok," I said and started to walk towards the edge of the cliff. I raised an eyebrow when I reached the edge and looked at my cousin to see that he was grinning, amused. "Yes?" I asked and raised the eyebrow higher. "Can we help you?"

"Yes," Bryce said and nodded. "What's taking you so long to get back?"

I held back an eye roll and scowled. "It would have been sooner if we didn't get interrupted," I said, and his grin grew wider while I gave him a pointed look. "Now, what do you want?"

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