carpe diem.

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I've always known that I was going to live and die in this town. And that's what I swore to myself that I would do, live, there's no point in dwelling over stuff I can't control. That's dumb.

Carpe Diem.

I don't have time for the back and forth, every moment counts. I need to assert myself and keep pushing, that's the only way to get any respect.

Jade's damned. Or at least that's what my father says, with his good looks and charming personality- no means of getting what he wants. I believe my dad most days.

I couldn't tell you if my parents really love each other, they're more comfortable than anything. My mom is timid and easily persuaded and my dad is her perfect opposite. Things go infuriatingly smoothly.

I'm not sure if I want something like what they have. It's boring.

I'm just as religious as the next guy, but I've always counted the time I get to spend with Tyler, Caroline, and Jade as blessings. Or at least that's how I'd want a blessing to feel.

I never have to think too hard or do things that make me feel conflicted. Or agree with things that don't seem right.

To summarize it, I can just breathe.

Maybe it's not that deep, but even my body operates differently when I'm not around them. During most nights I get no sleep- which I know isn't right because a hard-working man is supposed to get a full night's rest. I'm a hard-working man.

There are things I've been meaning to say, but I don't really know how. Like how much I'll miss my friends and they're gone, and that I hope they'll come back to visit.

Because even when Caroline is talking about her black girl things, Tyler is telling us about the latest "I'm in love with you" from her romance novels, or when Jade is dragging us all over the town for auditions, I'm content.

I'm content with being with them, and I can't do it. I can't ruin the moment with my words.



Here's Whitley!! This update is a little early because I have surgery today! What do you guys think? How do you guys feel about Whitley? I hope you all can tell what I was doing in connection with the "At Their Very Best" tour themes. 


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