the 1975

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I'm a nineteen-year-old girl, and without context (like a modern debate) you couldn't have convinced me two years ago that I would end up heavily relating to a group of British thirty-year-old white dudes, especially the loudest of the bunch, who practically eats cigarettes. I definitely would have laughed in your face. Today I stand, or rather sit, here as a humbled woman.

I don't have enough words to describe what this album has meant to me. If I had the opportunity, I would just tell the guys thank you. Not only for this album but for their music in general, it has made me feel like I wasn't alone during the loneliest period of my life. I've spent most of my 2022 confined to two beds- one is mine and the other is in the hospital. I've had major surgeries due to a chronic illness that has altered my physical health, which in return has altered my mental state and the way I view the world and myself.

I say myself because I think it's a natural human instinct to want to be desired in a romantic and platonic sense, but having to explain health complications that affect your everyday life that involves shit, isn't a very good conversation starter or bonding technique. I also wear a shit bag. It's very sexy.

See, when you have to talk about shit so much, no one cares that you have a brilliant mind (yes I called myself brilliant) and that you're the fittest you've ever been in your whole life now that you can keep on weight, not shitting all your food & blood out 8+ times a day, and don't look like a live-action version of Jack Skellington.

But this is about the music.

This album felt like a lens into my brain. Minus the dick jokes, Matty you're on your own. But imagine trying to manage a body organ failing, getting it removed, still having complications, almost-sepsis, emergency surgeries, etc. all while trying to be a leftist young adult in this society. Oh, and trying to figure out how you're going to finish college, which you worked your ass off to get into (shameless NYU plug-in & got in without being wealthy or a nepotism baby). We love it here.

I was gonna use this space for some cryptic foreshadowing for what you'll read in this story but I find it redundant. You're going to read it and then you'll know what it's about. It could be a critique of the military and its recruitment scheme for disenfranchised communities, the importance of friendship and maintaining individuality, the risks of codependence, mental health and so much more. It's a short story inspired by an album I love.


P.S. For the best experience I do recommend listening to each song on Being Funny In A Foreign Language with the correlating part or being very familiar with the album. 

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