if i could go back in time.

20 0 0

Long before the others it was just me and Caroline.

Caroline and Tyler, two peas in a pod. Even after the others, that bit didn't change much, we went through everything together. All the phases of adolescence- that's what I thought they were, just phases. The most memorable being the neon and pop music-plagued era of our pre-teens, and the angsty-depressed-suicidal teenager, I decided that phase wasn't for me. Later I realized it meant more to her.

It was like one day she woke up and decided that all of our dreams and hopes for the future were a waste of our lives.

"I just want something guaranteed."

I was perfectly fine with following what was in my heart. Taking on the world with her, wherever that somewhere was.

Those were the times when began to drift apart, but she was still my best friend.

Things continued on with me replaying that conversation in my mind at least a thousand times. I wanted her to take it all back, and say it was just a joke, but I wasn't going to get on my knees and beg her to do it.

Whitley is deeply delusional and I guess Jade got it more. He could be all the things that I couldn't, he'd do basically anything she wanted him to do.

We were just growing up, and her outlook had changed. What I loved was that she never decided for me. She left the door open and it was up to me to either close it or walk through the threshold.

Only she didn't give me enough time. She closed the door, locked it with a padlock, and threw the key into the ocean.

I didn't know then that the place I wanted to be was supporting my best friend, despite her choosing to do her own thing...

Caroline, I'm sorry.




Okie, so there's still one more character to introduce! Any guesses about gender, personality, etc.? I don't think I mentioned too much about them in the previous parts, but then again I'm not rereading this a lot because I know I'll be super critical of myself. 

I'm adding my update schedule for this story to my Google Cal bc I don't want to accidentally forget again. 

ALSO, THE PART WHERE HE TURNS AROUND IN THIS VIDEO DOES CRAZY THINGS TO MY MIND. (it starts at the 1.39 timestamp if you were wondering). 


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