while texting the girls, I had trailed behind Demi and Naya out of the airport, and we were getting into the car that Max was going to drive us back to Demi's apartment in.

"dinner?" Naya asked.

"pizza?" Demi asked back.

"Lea?" they both asked at the same time.

I yawned.

"there's the answer," Demi said.

"I'm tired," I said. "you guys choose. I probably won't eat much."

Naya tilted her head at me. "you just slept through the entire flight, mija."

"I dunno," I mumbled, leaning against the window. "I'm just tired."

"it's okay, baby," Demi said to me. "get as much rest as you want to. the past week's been so busy for you."

I nodded, watching the street lights on the side of the highway fly past us. "okay."

after I decided I'd had enough of watching the highway zoom past us, I went on Twitter. I read a couple of fan DMs, scrolled through my mentions, retweeted a couple of things. then I tugged my beanie down to cover my ears and took a selfie to show Lauren that I was wearing it as well as the sweater. this time, I texted her privately instead of the group chat. I wasn't sure if the other girls knew that she had given them to me.

Lea: look what I wore today, Lolo
Lauren: awww! you look so adorable with that beanie. and oh my god that sweater makes you look so warm and cuddly. I'm so glad you like them ♡

I smiled stupidly at the glowing phone screen, then pulled the sleeves of the sweater over my wrists.

Lea: you're a bad influence. all I've listened to today is Lana
Lauren: I know I am, babe.


Demi and Naya spent the whole of the next day unpacking things from Naya's New York apartment and arranging the little trinkets around the house. I found a space in my room to put the record player that I had gotten for my birthday, and lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling while the Ed Sheeran song played, watching the noon sunlight dance and make patterns on the ceiling.

there was a knock on my door and Demi opened it slightly, nearly hitting me in the foot. I rolled over and looked up at her. "hey."

"hey, sweetie," Demi said. "Naya's making a Starbucks run. you want anything?"

"just green tea, please," I said. I didn't feel like ingesting an entire mocha frappe, which was what I usually got when I was there.

Demi tilted her head. "you don't like green tea."

"I wanna try it, though," I said.

"okay," she said. "need help unpacking?" she eyed my mostly full suitcase at the corner of the room.

I smiled a little. "nah. I'm good."

"alright. Naya's also getting Subway for lunch, but I figured you'd want th-"

"6 inch teriyaki chicken sub," we finished at the same time, laughing.

"got it," Demi said. "I'll see you later, baby."

Demi closed the door behind her and I pushed myself up off the floor and towards my suitcase.

two hours later, there was a multitude of clothes on hangers on my bed and my wall was now full of the same photos I'd had up in my room in New York. the ones of me and the girls, a couple of polaroids from Taylor, loads with Demi and Naya. of course, the collection of tour photos and fan photos as well. most of my things had been unpacked, and my room was starting to feel a lot more homely. then, I hung all the clothes up properly, closed the now-empty suitcase and wheeled it to the side of the room so I could put it away later. then I fell backwards onto the bed and went on my phone. the girls had spammed the group chat with close to 370 messages and all my social media were busy because I'd just posted a selfie, so everything had gone from pretty chill to buzzing and busy.

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