Chapter 28

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Third person pov:

No sound nor movement was made. It looked like if one of them even breathed too loud, the world would shatter.

"Dream I'm so sor-" dream cut karl off

"Whoever did this will regret it" he said with no emotion

"We don't even know who it is though" sapnap said sadly

"That doesn't matter. I will find out who hurt my cat and took my boyfriend"

"We don't know if they killed patches though " karl said finally

"What do you mean?" sapnap and dream looked confused

"Well it may be her blood, but they could've just hurt her enough to get her blood without actually killing her, just to scare us off or something " karl rushed the words out.

"Oh my- thank god we have you, I didn't even think of that" dream breathed out in relief as he hugged karl as a thank you

"Just know that she can still be dead, we don't know for sure and i don't want to give you false hope, just don't mourn just yet" karl made sure dream was ready for whatever it is that happened to patches

"Yeah of course, thanks.... Now time to pill that people's skin off" dream threatened

"Woah there buddy you can't just go out on a killing spree" sapnap tried to bring him back to reality

"Yeah, but I won't let some bitch take whats mine and expect me to be chill about it" dream said as he walked back to the car

"What are you planning in that angry brain of yours?" Sapnap knew dream was onto something

"You aren't part of some mafia you know? This is quite dangerous" karl made a point

"I know, i know. I am however very wealthy to say the least. I can use the app to see everywhere they walked. I can go around and pay the shops or police stations to show me their tapes, then i will find out where, how and who took my cat and the love of my life" Dream explained

"Holy shit" sapnap laughed

"You look like you are some tv show's main character" karl joked

"Well let's hope this show ends well"

They drove back home. Dream sat up the app in his laptop, once he finally figured out what road they walked he started emailing the business on that road and asked them for their camera footage for around the time George and patches left the house.

George pov:

It must've been few hours since rave bought me food, no one came to check on me during that time.

This whole thing is more of a mental torture than anything. Just having to sit in an empty room with nothing to do, no one to talk to, not even a window to look out from.

I've been thinking about dream, wondering how he is. I don't want him to worry too much about me.

Suddenly the door opens after hours of being shut.

"Hey George..." raven says to me with a weak voice

"Is everything okay?" I ask, as much as i know I shouldn't trust him, he makes me feel a little better in this shit-hole

"Yeah just another fight with my dad" he says as he leans on the wall and slips down to the floor.

"What about?" I ask curiously

"I- I'm sorry I can't tell you" he looked scared, like saying it would get him burned into hell or something

"Oh... okay. Why did you come in here though? Not that i mind, I've been staring at the wall for god knows how long, it's just weird seeing you come in here for no reason" I didn't want to sound rude asking him why he came in here, but exposing my boredom made me feel embarrassed, they probably want me to be bored and miserable

"After the argument, i left the room. Knowing him, he'll try to talk to me again, which I really don't want right now and this place is logically the last room he'd check" he explains

I feel bad for him, its not his fault for being his father's son, plus he is doing his best not to be a shitty person like him

"Can i ask you something?" I knew i had to get answers to as many questions as i could, while i had the opportunity

"What is it?"

"Why did you guys kidnap me?" I ask

"First of all, my father. Not us. Him. Second of all, he's part of this rich old people's society who have an auction once every 3-6 months, they usually sell subs and/or children..." he started

"And?" I motion for him to continue

"And they all spend a lot of money on everything, it's just some sick type of entertainment for them" his voice cracks his eyes get watery

"Hey are you alright?" I ask as i crouch to him

"Yeah just some so called 'flashbacks' from a bad time" he says as he smiles at the word flashbacks

"Do you want to tell me about it?" i did want to get him to feel better, but i was also curious

"Well once when i was 8 or 9 i pissed Lui off-my father by the way... his name is Lui. Anyways once i pissed him off and he decided it would be a good punishment to sell me for 3 months on that auction so i would never forget to respect him at all times" he looks everywhere but at me while he is talking

"He made sure in the contract, that i wouldn't be touched sexually, but the contract didn't stop them, apparently i was too 'fresh' and 'good' to miss an opportunity, so they... um....   t-they" he couldn't finish the sentence. He didn't have to.

I hugged him, which must've taken him by surprise, he cried while hugging me tightly. I don't care that I shouldn't trust him, i will do anything so he won't have to suffer with that excuse of a father ever again.

Once he calmed down i had to ask one last question. I really hoped it wouldn't sound selfish after what he shared with me

"Raven..." i start

"Yeah?" he looks up to me

"Will the same thing happen to me when i get sold?" I ask before i change my mind

He doesn't answer. He doesn't have to.

"Oh" i sigh

"I won't let them sell you" he suddenly says

"What?! But you'r dad-" he cuts me off

"I don't give a shit, i promised myself I'd never let my dad sell another soul on that auction. After i came back he stopped selling, but now that he found a creature like you, he wants to start again. I don't know how, but I won't let him" he says proudly

I hug him again. He is one of the nicest people I've met. I'm sure when Dream gets to meet him, they'll get along


Like i said this story is starting to get more fun so I'll update a lot more, also thanks for being active and all, really gives me motivation.

Until next time<3

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